December 12, 2016

December Reflection...

Yes I am a Teacher, and a Mother too... Sometimes the feeling is completely twisted when I have o teach my own daughter...

But in between, what she wrote last week gave me tears, of joy and pride... I raised and taught a young girl to be a Woman of this Earth...

She's not only my daughter nor my student... She's also a teacher of life who has important role in my soul growth...

Each mother is an unfinished puzzle, until she found the hidden piece of  puzzle in her own children...

I consider my self lucky, to see my own hidden piece of puzzle, in the very soul of my daughter...

Magic 12.12, Towards The End of 2016...

Cheers, I'm Arifah...
I really am so Happy to walk with You all towards the end of 2016...

I start this blog in 2011, writing about everything the life teach me,
along with the process to make my soul growth...

I'm proud to be at your your service,
so with this note I would like to open a communication with my blog visitors,
who's been coming back n forth for blog my update...

I know that you come from all over the globe,
and I must say sorry if the past few blogs I wrote in my mother language (Bahasa Indonesia),
because haven't got the chance to rewrite it into English...

I plan to collect all my articles in Bahasa Indonesia, and re-post them here with English title,
so You could notice what I'm trying to express. I know that Google won't be competent enough,
to transliterate my articles in the way I want...  
So, if You need further explanation You can email me, to <> or to  <>,
I am also available on Facebook as Arifah Handayani and on Instagram as  <arifah_1607>,
Come over and Let's be in touch...  
May The Force grant us The Best of Luck,
for walking on this life with Dignity, Faith, Bravery, Honesty and Integrity...
Let's embrace Dedication to share a little that we know with the mankind,
for better tomorrow that should be full of Happiness and Love...
It ain't gonna be easy, but definitely will worth all our Best Shot.
Heaven help those who help themselves...

Bunch of Love,

December 11, 2016

Love, Happiness, and Growth Spot...

Tentang Cinta, Bahagia dan Titik Tumbuh

Beberapa kali aku terlibat debat serius dengan para motivator dan pendidik yang meyakini bahwa untuk melejitkan potensi kita harus selalu fokus pada kelebihan. Termasuk di dalamnya menggunakan berbagai perangkat untuk mereformat mindset demi melestarikan sugesti positif pada diri.

Makanya akhir2 ini mereka yang bakulan NLP, segala rupa hypno dan mind mastery laris manis. Aslinya karena makin banyak orang jenuh dengan rutinitas hidupnya yang monoton dan membosankan, akibatnya lejitan potensi untuk menghasilkan masterpiece sulit mendapatkan energi. Hingga solusi instanpun jadi buruan.

Sementara buat emak kayak aku yang punya banyak waktu berproses untuk menemukan celah2 yang terabaikan dan terlewati di dalam diri, solusi instan ternyata ga berhasil menambah produktivitas apalagi untuk menghasilkan masterpiece. Seringnya hanya ngaruh sebentar, habis itu ngelowor dan nglokro lagi. Sementara roda kehidupan terus berputar tanpa bisa diperlambat.

Dalam perjalananku berproses, kutemukan sesungguhnya produktivitas itu kuncinya cuma keyakinan diri dan semangat yang membara. Sedang buat aku untuk membangun keyakinan diri dan semangat bahan baku terbaiknya adalah  bahagia. Sementara  rahasia bahagiaku adalah tercukupinya bahan bakar cinta.

Ketika semua itu terjawab maka akupun menyadari, perlunya berupaya untuk sadar pada apa yang kurang. Tanpa bermaksud mengajak untuk kufur terhadap nikmat, izinkan aku membuka sebuah paradigma yang belum lumrah, bahwa sejatinya fokus pada kekurangan juga penting.

Syaratnya adalah niat kita benar2 untuk melakukan balancing, updating dan tuning up demi melakukan proses upgrading terhadap kualitas diri. Sebelum semua proses upgrading dimulai, pastikan untuk terlebih dulu menghilangkan sekecil  apapun celah buat mengasihani diri sendiri, lewat menjalani serangkaian proses healing...

Koq jadi panjang yaa...

Namanya juga solusi dengan orientasi proses tumbuh kembang diri, mana ada yang instan. Hidupku yang sudah jelang 40 ini baru mulai diupgrade sekitar 5 tahun lalu. Sementara proses restorasi dan rekonstruksi baru mulai 3 tahun lalu. Kalo dihitung yaa baru menemukan titik balik di 1/8 usia. Itu juga sudah lebih baik daripada tidak sama sekali.

Kesimpulanku sementara ini, kalau mau produktif kita harus hidup bahagia. Cukup menghibur ketika aku sadar bahwa manusia yang bahagia itu bukan mereka yang sama sekali ga punya kekurangan. Kan ga ada satupun manusia yang diciptakan sempurna.

Sungguh sebuah titik terang ketika aku mulai menyaksikan ternyata manusia bakal mulai merasa bahagia kalo dia tau persis di mana letak ketidak bahagiaannya dan mulai bergerak dari situ untuk melakukan transformasi.

Lebih keren lagi adalah kenyataan, ketika seorang emak menemukan titik tumbuhnya, maka semua jiwa yang hidup disekelilingnya, dan menikmati pertumbuhannya akan ikut ketularan tumbuh.

Ternyata kemampuan untuk terus tumbuh adalah sumber kebahagiaan yang menghasilkan cinta tanpa syarat untuk diri, hingga lahirlah kemampuan untuk mencintai kehidupan dengan seluruh kapasitas diri. Sedang CINTA adalah energi tak berbatas yang mampu menyeimbangkan roda kehidupan agar berputar di dalam harmoni.

Selamat menemukan titik tumbuh, hingga berkembang kemampuan untuk terlahir kembali...

Happy Re-Born...


December 5, 2016

Lighthouse of My Life...

"Oh Tuhan ku cinta dia
Ku sayang dia, rindu dia
Inginkan dia...
Utuhkanlah rasa cinta di hatiku
Hanya padanya, untuk dia...
Jauh waktu berjalan kita lalui bersama, Betapa di setiap hari,
ku jatuh cinta padanya,
Dicintai oleh dia ku merasa sempurna..."

Jelang tengah malam, lantun tembang ini sudah terputar lusinan kali di telinga, beberapa titik airmata pun sudah ikut meramaikan suasana di rasaku...Memang terlalu emosional, tapi saat seperti ini emosi diperlukan agar dapat menyelami satu ruang, yang paling sulit ku kuasai dalam diri manusiaku...

Ruang yang samasekali tak punya gembok di pintu dan jendelanya, hingga siapapun bebas menyambangi, saat datang tak pernah bisa benar2 pergi lagi, tanpa merusak dinding2nya... Ruang yang pernah lantak dan berantakan, karena luka2 yang membuatku harus berkubang dalam merahnya luka dan pedihnya air mata...Ruang yang pernah begitu pengap terkepung gulita ketika legamnya amarah dan kecewa membuatnya membusuk kaku...

Begitulah kehidupan... 

Kadang terasa seperti tempat yang luar biasa tak adil, tetapi semesta selalu berputar dalam lingkaran penuh yang begitu seimbang... Gusti Allah selalu punya cara untuk menjaga manusia2 ciptaanNya yang mau mengupayakan cara terbaik demi memperjuangkan kehidupan yang bergerak, tumbuh, dan berkembang... Dia yang Tak Pernah Tidur selalu hadir lewat uluran tangan dan taburan cinta dari hati manusia terbaikNya untuk mengembalikan keseimbanganku...

Meski butuh puluhan purnama, lusinan kali jatuh dan terbentur, kumplit dengan belasan kali terperosok lubang yang sama. Sampai aku mampu belajar mengambil alih kuasa atas hatiku dan membeli kembali jiwaku yang pernah tergadai pada kegelapan...

Terimakasih sudah mau berdiri di sana menyalakan terang lentera, bagai mercusuar di tengah ganasnya samuderaku... Terimakasih sudah berkenan menantangku menerjang liarnya badai, hingga ku mampu terbang melintas di atas puting beliungnya topanku... Terimakasih atas segala CINTA yang tak pernah tersampaikan tapi nyata kurasakan, sampai ku mengerti sejatinya diriku, dan memahami indahnya CINTA tanpa syarat...

Berharap semesta membalas dengan memantulkan kembali segenap CINTA dalam bentuk Cahaya, sebagaimana yang selalu tersedia saat kegelapan menelikung jiwaku... Berdoa sepenuh damba agar keabadian berkenan mengembalikan segala kebaikan yang pernah terlukis dalam warna pelangi di diri, hingga kelak menjadi Cahaya yang membiaskan terang di kehidupan selanjutnya...


December 4, 2016


Seandainya saja dirimu mau sesaat saja mencermati, pasti akan muncul berbagai rasa menggelitik yang memberi benakmu banyak pertanyaan, demi menuntut jawab atas dialektika yang sejatinya tengah terjadi antara kau dan dia. Sesuatu yang membuatmu terkoneksi sampai sejauh ini. Seberapapun usahamu menjauh dari jerat itu, ada sesuatu yang hingga kini, selalu menuntunmu kembali padanya...

Sebentuk rasa di dalam dirimu mungkin telah lama menggugat dengan jengah, bagaimana mungkin manusia yang menjaga kesucian sepertimu terjerat sensasi duniawi yang menelikung ragamu bagai candu.  Dirimu pun sekuat kehendak berusaha menghindarinya, agar tak terjerat lagi dan lagi. Hingga pintanya tuk dapat menatap matamu, tak hendak kau kabulkan...

Sementara di bagian lain, terbersit selarik rasa yang menuntunmu agar jujur merengkuh, bahkan menikmati tarian energi yang berhasil melesatkanmu untuk terbang mengingkari ruang dan waktu, hanya untuk mereguk secawan sensasi yang ditawarkan buminya. Hingga rasa itu senantiasa kembali meraja dari waktu ke waktu, mengajakmu kembali, tanpa dapat  kau ingkari...

Sementara di antara tarikan kedua rasamu itu, ada sekelumit rasa lain yang mestinya sudah menyelusup dalam mencoba mendamaikan keduanya. Rasa yang hadir untuk menelanjangi diri manusiamu, namun selalu kau abaikan dengan segudang alasan, meski yang disampaikannya adalah kejujuran...

Tentu saja ini semua tentangmu, bukan lagi tentang dia,  meski segala tentang dia sudah menelanjangi titik nadirmu...

Adalah dia yang logika berpikirnya telah mengaduk batinmu dengan lusinan pertanyaan. Sementara tatap matanya membuat jantungmu berdetak tak beraturan, saat senyumnya melukis hatimu dengan warna pelangi...

Adalah dia yang kalimatnya sudah membiusmu dengan rasa yang sama sekali baru, saat bahasa tubuhnya memberondongmu dengan gelombang energi, hingga kau biarkan dirimu terlempar ke dimensi ruang dan waktu yang samasekali asing demi membersamainya...

Adalah dia yang proses ngelungsunginya
bergerak nggegirisi persis di depan hidungmu, begitu transparan dan telanjang, menyihirmu hingga kau tak kuasa palingkan muka...

Adalah dia yang menarikmu untuk menyelami dasar hatinya, demi menjadi saksi dari kegelapan di relung jiwanya, yang perlahan tapi pasti bergerak merengkuh cahaya, lewat lantunan alunan Safari Internal dan Cinta Sejati, in
ti ajaranmu kala itu...

Tapi kali ini bukan tentang dia lagi, ini tentang dirimu yang tengah bangkit dan tumbuh memenuhi tuntutan peran,  demi bergerak lebih cepat, membubung semakin tinggi, kemudian melesat jauh...

Dialah sebingkai lukisan kenyataan, yang hadirnya tak pernah kau inginkan, namun adanya begitu sulit untuk diingkari...

Hanyalah sebentuk cermin, yang kini ditawarkannya... 

Maukah dirimu bercermin, demi menatap pantulan wajahmu di antara gelap dan terang jiwanya. Adakah dirimu memahami gelisahnya, 
saat dia menangkap sinyal rasamu menyelusup jiwanya. Manakala kalimatmu membelai geletar nadinya, dan meruntuhkan realita atas batasan asa di kehendaknya...

Jutaan kata seakan tengah merapat dan berhimpun, menghantarkan gelombang demi gelombang energi ke tepian. Menyingkap tabir rasa, yang kelak kan mengajakmu memaknai setiap dimensi ruang dan waktu yang terberi...


Being with You...

Being with You... Means discovering a passageway to jump over the space and cheat the time.  As if the soul steps on a bright tunnel that bring me closer to you...

Being with you... Means allowing the life within dancing around the multidimensional space, where illusion shade reality, at the twilight zone when the light touch the dark shadow inside...

Being with you... Means tasting the movement of each seconds in life, standing before the very mirror, where the darkest shadow inside honestly reflected...

Being with You... Means embracing each faces of LOVE which come inside in so many forms, peeling each veils that covers every darkest secrets, until time is right for the clarity of soul revealed. So I can taste all colors of Rainbow from the unconditional LOVE within...

Being with You... Means permitting the collaboration between the heart and soul in order to unite any form of differences, until our sacred union creates synergy...

Being with You... Means wishing with all the hopes inside, to find the maps and the compass, so one day I can walk my way back HOME...

My gratitude for every chance of Being with You, wishing whatever we share in Life will never come to an End...

Heaven Helps...

November 27, 2016

The Existence of Humanity in Life...

For me the existence of humanity in life always tastes more like a journey. It feels like we are rivers, running from different part of this planet...

Yet we are moving under the same sun and same moon towards the same ocean. As much as we are different, our life is heading the same direction...

The separation or oneness will be seen, depend on our position... If we could reach high enough we will see this planet in better perspectives as one place for all.  Even when we go higher we will see this tiny little earth is only a minor part of something way loads larger...

Humanity rise n fall all the time, since the beginning of life when Habil n Qabil conflict took place... Rohingya and all other conflict on earth that cost life and blood are made for a reason by some groups of people, even the new problem occurred in Jakarta...

We need to go beyond our horizon, move towards the infinity and see what's beyond it. I only see, this tiny little earth we live on couldn't afford more than One God...

Yet  human tends to have two Gods in life... The One who Creates life, and the very one we create in mind, Who eventually cost separation, hatred, anger, blood even lives...

The question will be... Are we ready to accept LIFE as it truly is...??? Or we still love the ideal life, create by the very God who Rule our mind, where we believe some groups of people are better than the others, and the better groups will enter heaven...

Would we believe that every single individual part of humanity who live on earth, have the equal chance to deserve heaven up there...???  As much as I would believe all of us share the same responsibility to conserve and preserve the balance of life on earth...

All will be costed and counted according to our contribution in making heaven a real place on earth while we still pretty much alive...

I don't know how all of this would come to your senses... Yet going beyond our horizon is my only answer against separation...


October 27, 2016

The Truest Truth...

A student who knocks on my box chat with a head full of ideas and questions, always excite me more than anything in the world. Last week this student wrote an article and show me.  Interesting article, and I can't stop myself to question what she wrote...

And I believe this dialog is really worth reading, I decided to post this as  a blog because some of the parts I wrote, need a #Note2Myself sticky label...

Naf : I'm so truthful and truth can always be seen in my eyes...

Me : I like this statement... but I wonder which truth you're talking about...? Yours or the truth most people agree of...

Naf : HEHEHE im not sure with the 'im so truthful' either but i like the truth. I appreciate truth more than anything else. Ironically, sometimes i myself do have problem with realizing the truth, yes?

Me : Hahaha... Because there's a lot of versions in truth, like it has too many faces... You need the truest truth, real truth the innermost part of you representing...

Naf : So i need to find the truest truth?

Me : Or more over... hear n observe it within you...

Naf : The truth..
Of what? Exactly?

Me : Of anything... Like the statement... "you need to be true to your heart"...

Naf : Yeaaahh.. True
I want to be better...

Me : You tend to follow the most acceptable truth to your mind...
Being better is depending on how you see good n bad in life... Which both are illusion. Unless you know your own truth...
Better means closer to your path...

Naf : You tend to follow the most acceptable truth to your mind...
Can you please explain further..?

Me : Finding the truth takes courage to choose, not walking on mainstream journey...
Since truth isn't always what you think is true, truth needs the feeling to feel good about it...

Naf : How can good and bad be illusions?

Me : It's a matter of perspective and perception... Depends on where you're standing...
With your ability to use your brain... you need the ability to learn from all perspectives and perceptions possible without judging if that's good or bad...

Naf : I need practice...

Me : Sometimes we need the ability to walk the road less traveled... Try writing, it is the best practice to see where you stand...
And don't worry of practicing... I've learned to see my truth a lifetime, and I haven't mastered it yet...
Muslim world force us to live in a box, but those with the ability to see beyond the horizon, will never see any box...

Naf : The muslim world.. I would say its the people, the community who force us to live in the box. But those who truly is a muslim should be able to see beyond the horizon.
Because real muslims are made to make the world a better place, right? We have to be able to see beyond the box. The box is just a boundary people make, isnt it?

Me : That's why I say in Muslim world... not as Muslim in particular... 
Look at what those who claim to be Good Muslim do to Ahok...
Yes dear... we should not see a box... 
The universe is our limits... All the galaxies are expanding... 
Even the diameter of Milky way grows from 100k light year to 150k light year...
That's why I taught you to define your truest truth... Never let any box or boundaries define your truth...

Naf : I think it'll take time for me to completely understand this but thanks, mak(:

Me : Hahaha... you need a journey to understand what I wrote...
It's like I'm showing you the road map I traveled... You will never see what it's really like until you travel your own journey... Then you will draw your own road map, which most probably will be different than mine...
Like showing you a place on google map... you won't understand what I'm showing until you go down the place I show you...

Naf : Yeaaah true...

Me : Sometimes thing will turn out wrong before it's heading to the right direction...Fear will never get you anywhere... Since, bravery isn't about the absence of fear, but more about the ability to handle them...

Naf : True true... But i'm not sure what i must do...

Me : Listen to your heart...
Silence your mind...

Naf : Its not easy.-. ... Tell me how..? I tend to think things through, Not feel...
Tho ive just learned that feelings, and what the heart says is as important, 
silencing the mind have never been easy to do...

Me : Practice... Moreover Be honest and true to your heart... 
Good is not always looks right.. But it does feels right...

*Courtesy of Nafisa Athiya, Grade 10, 
School of Human Student

October 6, 2016

The Fact of Falling in Love...

Falling in love actually is only a gate before two souls collide in universal collision. In my stage of being, I can fall in love daily to any souls that cross my path...

It's not my privilege to choose whom to love,  as the love always chooses them for me. One thing for sure, Love is a powerful energy that can ignite growth out of our life, as we choose to make the world really worth living...

Thank you for showing up and teach me the next level of unconditional love lesson.  Allow me to have the pride of saying, I Love You...

#GetALife #BeAlive

September 29, 2016

The Teachers...

I have always wanted to be a Teacher. By then, I thought Teacher was only a profession and carrier option...

But as the time goes by and my life grows, I noticed for all the questions I asked, not all can be answered by people who work as teachers...

Later I realized for every questions answered, I will always have at least two more questions to ask...

So, I stopped looking for the way to be a teacher. I enjoyed my time becoming a curious student in exploring life...

Almost everyday life send me people who would teach me worth learning lessons...

Now I'd like to think, teaching is a life journey for people who has been spending enough time being a student in life, who realized that the most natural consequences of this journey is a lifetime learning...

How would we feel sufficient enough to be a teacher in this lifetime, once we know that we will never have enough time to learn everything about life...

This journey will definitely take forever, although we are completely sure too, even forever ain't enough...

Anyway,  Let's share gratitude to all the teachers we have all this while, in the tiny part of universe, where we live our wonderful life...

Thank You...
Thank You...
Thank You...

Bunch of Love,


September 27, 2016

How We Define Love and God...

Allow me to share the path that I've been through, not sure how my story will serve yours,  I just have to follow my own intuition...

The moment I felt your energy, I just got the need to intercept it...

It's like floating through the universal creative moment, which would fly me to the next transcendence path of my own spiritual enlightenment journey..

Speaking of spiritual enlightenment, I would say... For me, spirituality is like swimming through the water from any river on earth...

Which ever the river we follow,  all of us will end up at the same blue ocean, under the same sun and the same moon...

It's also like our definition of Love or God...

We should define them as we see them, and there's no right nor wrong...

As human we simply allowed to face many different path, and all the differences must be seen as they are...

We can only define Love or God precisely the way we see them, exactly how we found them...


July 30, 2016

The Infinite Journey of LOVE...

My spirit will always surround yours in prayers, everytime I feel you in my heartbeats...

My soul will always enggage with yours in a transcending journey, everytime our life path crossed...

My mind will always want to LIGHT the candle of knowledge with yours, everytime we get a chance to share the little that we know, as our life continuously  transform...

My heart will always be there to whisper all the words of BEAUTY to awake yours...

The warmest vibe of my energy will always want to envelope yours, if only we ever have the space to meet in a collision course at the highest top of my dream land... 

My fingers will also long to be there caressing each part of your being that's longed to taste the very touch of TRUE LOVE...

As every cells in my being long to be with you, every nerves in me send the electrical sparks towards your being, so every drops of my blood vibrates the highest level of energy that will fly our conscious souls towards the infinity and beyond...

If only you would feel Me...

Let's just share the comfort of LOVE, LIGHT, HOPE, and HARMONY to the UNIVERSE, then we will eventually glide this sacred twin flame dance in life eternally...

So Help Us God...

July 10, 2016

Happy 12th Anniversary, Dear...

As we plant the kisses on your cheeks, may Allah be closer than those kisses to your mind, heart, and soul...
So you will always in the need of His Love to enlighten the life inside and around You...
Guide you all the way in every step you make, refresh you like the oxygen in every breath you take...
Just the way each beat of your heart sends all the drops of your blood towards  every cells in your body that makes you feel

Happy Bday Dear Fella...

Growing with My Teenage Girls...

Being an eastern moslem mom in an islamic world is not an easy job, especially when we have the combination of an old soul, sensitive heart, and futuristic state of mind... For milion times I found myself asking the same old question, "Have I done my job as their mom good enough...?"

I know, I haven't been a living  example of how a good woman should be. I have lots of scars and  flaws, I also tend to make loads of mistakes as a woman and a mother. I have failed in so many life challenges too...

But one thing they know for sure, I am the first person on earth they can always run to, no matter how hard life give them challenge. Because,  as I learned to accept myself as I am,  I understand that the perfect start to raised my children is to embrace their imperfection, perfectly. That's how we start growing together as a team player...

I am so grateful that my girls have done their best to grow up and become a wiser young woman than I ever was,  they set an example for their brothers of how a responsible kids should be...
The best thing I can promise them is to be an honest and genuine Me, and grow with them finishing my unfinished life puzzle...

I really am proud to be your Mom, girls...
Written with my eternal love...


May 28, 2016

The Less 0,01 and The Extra 0,02...

These two exponential equations show us what I've always meant when I said to the infinity and beyond...

In order to define our infinity, we need to determine the spectrum of pain that we could endure, in order to walk the extra mile that will make a total difference in our life, if only we would go a bit further beyond it...

Most people might refuse to understand our vision and tell us to stop going that way, because the road we see is a total nonsense for them. Yet, if we could visualize a clear vision, no matter how absurd it is for others, we might actually have seen our way. Just then we must be prepare to press the gas and speed up, like we have no break nor tomorrow...

Although we don't have the luxury of knowing where  our infinity exactly is, if we could determine that we would go beyond it, then we might actually go through any limitation. So then we grow to become an infinite  creature...

Also we'd better keep in mind, as we set our goal, we need to contribute in something greater than our lives...

If we could visualize these two equations in the way we set goals in life, then we will know that no one can set 'what is required' for us, but ourselves...

Because in reality, sometimes I felt even the best isn't good enough. Many times, I need to do better than my best.  So the less 0,01 or extra 0,02 can mean more than just a number for me...


May 5, 2016

Just Like These Days...

These are some questions I desperately wanted to ask, when my marriage started collapsing before me and I felt my world was fallen apart...

1. Is it too much to ask if a wife expect her husband to physically hug n kiss her anytime she wants it as much as she needs it... So she can feel the warmth wherever she goes...

2. Is it too demanding if a wife wants her husband at least understand what she's been writing and give her time and full attention to discuss everything she thinks is fascinating in life...

3. Is it too hard to comprehend if a wife needs her husband to be the source of comfort and security, when life hasn't treated her so kind. So she could be safely fallen asleep knowing someone is watching her back and be ready to grab her when she fall...

4. Is it too difficult to understand if a wife hope her husband can accept her as she is and respect her stand, so she can feel loved despite her flaws and mistakes. Therefore she doesn't have to wear a mask just to bring peace in her marriage...

5. Is it too heavy to accept if a wife wish her husband understand her dreams and passionately participate to make them come true...

Because this wife is ready to go that far to meet her husband needs... She's been spending her optimum youth capacity and almost half of her life to build her family... Now she wants a life that can optimize all of her capacity to make her days meaningful...

I guess when it comes to LOVE in a Happy Marriage nothing will ever be too much...

We deserve everything that our mind can visualize... The question will be... Are we ready to go at any length to help The Man we marry understand what we really need from them...

Sometimes I just felt too tired to fight alone... and I let things crumbling into pieces around me until I become desperately need to run away... Just like these days...

I think time has come once again for me to improve my navigating skill in flying above the storm... The way I've always wanted to believe... "Life isn't about waiting the storms and thunders to pass, Life is about dancing in the rain and find all the colour of rainbow hidden in the sky, just above our blue horizon..."

So Help Me God...

March 11, 2016

What School Should Be...

School isn't a Holy Place to preach students, so they behave good and find the fastest highway to heaven... School isn't a Fort Knox that held students as cadets so they become close-range-minded-following order-yes-man adults... School isn't a circus where bunch of teachers playing clown to make students laugh and like them... School is a Huge Mirror, so students learn to see themselves as they genuinely are... School is a Ship of Life, so Students learn to use their own GPS, maps and compass inside to train them how to navigate their own Life Journey... School is a Giant Maze, so Students use everything they got to understand a way to come out from The Maze by turning on Their Body Mind Heart and Soul Connection, then let the Spirit carries on... School should never tell the students how to learn, think, feel and sense, they must figure these out by themselves instead...
School should teach the students how to see their potency, and make the best use of them... School should teach the students to let everything they have out, simply by showing them what is Growth... So Teachers... 
Let's find a way to Get Inspired,  a nd Be Inspiring, in daily basis...

March 9, 2016

The Unlimited Human Processor...

Some of us might have realized that we are all equipped with unlimited spec of human processor. The very one that can connect us with the infinite server of universe, so we can have autopilot machine for flying to the infinity and beyond...

If we wish to activate  unlimited feature, in this limited human body, on this restricted earth, we have no choice but to reach the multidimensional kind of life by allowing our consciousness grow...
In order to stand on the multidimensional earth we need to strengthen every energy source we have, from the root to the crown and beyond...


February 15, 2016

Inspiration, LOVE & The Spirit of GROWTH...

Human are energy conductors and transducer, we can recieve and transmit energy from the earth and the sky, even if we consciously realize we are part of the cosmic, we can also borrow energy from the stars...
Our job on earth mostly about sharing and spreading the positive energy we have recieved from the universe, as we work on our cause, which usually transmitted in higher frequency to the part of the world that is in the lowest energy vibe...
Words are the best media transfer, writers and public speakers who have the privilege to command words, can reach full spectrum of energy, and paint the world with rainbow...
We should believe the life we hold is always a message to the world, it is our job to make sure we only share and spread Inspiration, LOVE and The Spirit of Growth. None Less...
Heaven Helps...

January 29, 2016

As The Spirit Carries On...

I have been searching and connecting my own understanding of Indigos, kundalini energy flow, and humanity role in making the world a better place...

This journey of revealing new understanding about LIFE, make me feel like constructing a big jigsaw puzzle. We finished one puzzle, only to find the jigsaw that we've been finishing is a part of another bigger jigsaw puzzle to finish...

I believe instead of bring me regret, desperation or disappointment of the uncertainty in finding what we seek, I actually see this journey as the most fascinating part of life. We face one Eureka after another, only to learn we eventually need to search for many more Eurekas...

I think that's more about how we are equipped to do our roles on Earth.  As a writer who must write for both worlds, more because I got as many readers from the west, as I have in the east. I should have trained myself to use my helicopter view and see as many perspectives I could find without becoming judgmental...

Back then I hesitated that Islamic Worldview can be my solid ground to construct whatever I wrote. Recently a serial valuable discussion with a super special friend has brought me to firm understanding of how every important value in my LIFE should be wrapped up...

It's okay to be a seeker, as long as we finally grow to be The Finder. And it's nice to be a finder, only then we  will eventually grow to be The Keeper of our own Truest Truth in LIFE...

The Truest Truth we hold, is actually The source of LIGHT that could let innermost part of us SHINE, for the LIFE inside and the world outside...

So then, The Spirit Carries On...

January 24, 2016

Pick The Colors of Rainbow in LIFE...

After the sun goes down, the moon would come out with the twinkling stars, gives our twilight horizon a brand new hope, of better tomorrow...

Just the way all colors of rainbow shall arise, we could only pick them up between every raindrops and silver lining brightness of the sun. As we survived each thunders in all the storms we face in life...

That is how we manage to master the ability of flying above the storm, by cherishing every chance to dance in the rain...

The mastery of this simple skill will eventually grant us the insight, of how LIFE actually very WORTH living...


January 21, 2016

Fallen Out of Love...

When LIFE took us to a certain point
Where CHOICE has to be made
Letting GO is the best OPTION...

Not that LOVE has GONE...

We only NEED to stay 
Where we TRULY wanted...

January 18, 2016

The Quest to Find Our Truest Truth...

"And What do you mean by truest truth...???"

Again, you asked... For this, I don't need any pause to think aboutthe answer, since I have spent years to answer my own questions about the truest truth in my LIFE...

I found that the truest truth is some kind of LIFE Codes we are commited to, in our line of duty, wherever we live on Earth as we serve the LIFE...

The Holy Book like Quran, should consist of the truest truth.  Yet for me, The Holy Book is still so full of secrets. Many people try to decode the verses written there by extracting the secrets based on their own specific understanding and knowledge...

Even if we have faith that Holy Book is contained of The Absolute Truth from The Mighty Creator, that we believe as The Infinite Source of Truth, when the truth is decoded and extracted by human, there will always be different perspectives in understanding the truth...

For example, like the truth of  heaven written in Quran. The explanation there might be comprehensive enough for people like you, because it is suitable for your own specific needs to understand LIFE...

So that could be the truest truth for you, while I would like to believe, I still need to complete my quest for the truest truth about Heaven.  Since my soul and spirit couldn't cope and accept the truth that you believe.  Not that the truth you hold is not true.  It is simply not compatible with the understanding that my mind, heart, soul and spirit hold. Somehow my intuition told me, there should be better explanation of Heaven than that. All we need is more knowledge and better ground to be more conscious of this truth...

I think the blog I wrote in 2014 could tell you more about the quest to find my own specific and truest truth...

Finding Our Own Stream ...

“I have been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to me.” 

~ Hermann Hesse

It is really good to understand that life is always about finding our own stream. Following the way we need to flow is always the best way to live rather than going with others...

Yet... Every river will end at the sea shore and become one in the same ocean. Although we might not go through the same river, but our beginning and our end most likely have the oneness within. As clear as the silver lining light in the sky that show us, we are living under the same sun and moon...

As for me learning is always my way of living. I learn about science as I learn about human. I learn to tone my muscle at gym as I learn to stretch my flesh and blood in yoga class. I simply love to learn, as I know my curiosity has always been the best way to energize the life in me...

But I guess, learning about many different matters in life never bring me closer to the truest truth about my life. Not until I learn about the life inside me, I found the true knowledge to live this life the way my own true nature should be...

Thanks for all of the challenges many of you have thrown at me, that always bring me closer to the core of my being, so I can find my way to flow my own stream...

Happily, Gracefully, Beautifully...
With the LOVE that always lighten up my way...

Bunch of Love,


One thing I am sure of the quest to find our own specific truest truth, as our souls growth and we reach higher ground of consciousness, the truest truth we hold will also shift and expand to meet our newest level of understanding.

Great thing I learn about the universe, LIFE is always on the move. It is up to us, to synchronize the rhythm we play with the velocity of LIFE where we live. We can always choose whether to slow down or to accelerate, and meet the Universal Speed...

Anything will be fine as long as we always turn The LIGHT on and maintain our Existence Track in orbiting The Infinite Source of Truth in LIFE...

For the sake of LOVE, LIGHT, PEACE and HARMONY in The Universe. Hopefully...

True Meaning of HOME...

"So, What is the meaning of HOME...???"

You asked... After I shared some posts from Facebook and Kompasiana, that have something to do with my journey to the place I call HOME. So I took a silent paused, then I carefully tried to answer...

It is like an ocean for The Great Sailor I mentioned in my previous blog post.  They might have family and home on the land.  But no matter how hard they try to rest for retirement.  They will always hear the ocean call them to sail some more for the rest of their life...

I might be a mom and a wife, but I am born to be A Traveler. I have a duty to take a LIFE long journey, leaping through the space and time, gathering and sharing all the beauty of LIFE that I found along the way. I am traveling LIFE of the one inside of me and also of those who happened to share their LIFE with me...

Home for your soul, may not be the same for mine. Our arguments on several issues we discussed, has proven that we could have some different perspectives about LIFE. But I guess, our differences is the special part that amazed me most of our connection, we can be so different yet in so many part we hit the same understanding level about LIFE...

The blogs Mas Pong Sahidy wrote on Kompasiana few years ago, give me further  explanation about my own Journey Home. After all this while, finally I understand,  what he wrote about surrendering.  I just realized that, the best thing to do for me is only surrender and accept my LIFE the way I discover...

The Family LIFE is only a half part of our assignment on this planet, that's why I can be so restless home.  The other half still belong to the LIFE within me, as it is directly connected to The Highest Order. That's how we reveal our Existence Track, and The specific Order locked within our default setting...

This is also explaining why The LOVE I share with you give me comfort, and bring me the energy to reach better ground of understanding.  It is because at the time being on this planet, You are part of my Journey HOME. The souls are riding the energy tide, performing the sacred twin flame dance. So the spirits can carry on their duty to shine...

This is My HOME... Here on Earth, transcending all the way to the infinity and beyond, as we are definitely approaching the next life, towards our Final Destination...

The Infinite Source of LIFE...

January 17, 2016

The Kisses...

If the LIFE shall allow me to send you kisses right now,
I will plant those kisses on three places :

for the luck,
So you know how lucky I feel for the chance to share my energy, 
thoughts and feelings with you, so I reach higher level of consciousness...

for the fortune,
So you know how I treasure the soul connection we generate, 
as one of the most valuable gift the universe  allow me to embrace...

for the love,
So you know how I cherish all the LOVE, 
that your presence ignite inside of me, 
only by showing up and share the LIFE with me...

May The Force be With Us...

January 16, 2016

Transcending LIFE Journey...

I read The Angel's tasks from some beliefs, that makes me wondering what actually Angels do for Human LIFE, as an entity mentioned in the holy book that we supposed to have faith on...

As I start to see Angels are not exist on Earth to make human fear of God's punishments, nor force us to live other people's life by taking notes of all our good deeds and evil wrong doing as human...

Now I refuse to fear the life after death, as I begin to live at the most by loving this LIFE instead. So I would do anything within my power to make LIFE a better place, for the one inside me and also for those who share their LIFE with me. That way, I will die peacefully knowing I have no regret, because I have given everything I got to be ALIVE, and dedicated all of me to make this LIFE worth living...

I would rather believe that Angels are there for Humanity to help us living the LIFE to the most. They are whispering the words of wisdom every time we need it, and nudging us to the place where we should find light each time we face the darkness dragging our soul to the lower ground...

Not that I refuse to believe in afterlife, I see death as a gate to enter the next life realm.  The life after death is our next journey, where we might get a new post, new assignment, based on how well we deal with our previous roles in the spirit we carry...

If we carry out the role very well, we could be move to better task, if not we probably get a demotion. I believe for those who has been working in transcending LIFE, a demotion could mean a hell of rework...

This reminds me of the verses in the Holy Book which spoken of TIME, which suggests us to make the best use of our time on earth. And I believe, considering those verses, actually not being able to transcend The LIFE to better ground while we are still pretty much ALIVE on earth, should have been tasted like a downfall. This could give the spirit obstacles to carry on the duty to shine...

That's why we need to create interconnections with all the spirits that share LIFE with us to carry this duty and shine together for sharing our truest truth, enhanced with the patience, to face all the obstacles faithfully...

In the deepest part of my existence, I have a faith that The Angels, as well as all the citizens of heaven, are there to guide and look after our spirits. So we can manage to embrace our spesific duty on earth. As we know, all the spirits have their own assignment to complete, and The Angels should be there to help. So at the end of our life we could be coming HOME peacefully to The Source, The Mighty Creator...

I just recently realized, HOME is always about our level of existence, that starts here on earth as the ground zero, to be transcending all the way back to The Source as The Final Destination.  Even after we leave the life in this planet. As I always use the term, to the infinity and beyond...

I am happy to finally see, being HOME is about Knowing that I am travelling  the right path for the LIFE inside of me, hopefully it is also right for the LIFE of those who share forever with me...

May The Angels look after and guard my soul and spirit, to transcend all the way to the infinity and beyond, towards The Final Destination, The Infinite Source of LIFE...

January 15, 2016

The Place I Call Home

People might see me as a weird package,  who's full of anomalies...  

Yet one of my valuable friends once  told me, the measurement of my normality should be counted based on the series of my abnormalities. If the LIFE inside me still feels like a collection of paradoxes, even for my own self, then I should really consider, everything is NORMAL.  It's really good to believe that.  Then I start accepting all my anomalies in seeing LIFE, as if I am born to create new pattern to live instead of fitting in ...

Embracing my anomalies felt like finding heaven is a place on earth, when few months back, I read my eldest girl wrote about my biography, for her English assignment. 
"She has a different style in almost everything. The world in her eyes is a whole different thing from what you see. That’s one thing I like the most from my mom. She always sees things from a weird perspective. But somehow that’s mostly what helps people... "

It is really good to know that my own flesh and blood is accepting me as I am. This fact really give me abundance of energy to face the future, knowing that I have brought up an open mind young lady for the tiny universe where we share this LIFE.  Moreover, this LIFE continued to give me even better  things to live with, when the universe allow me to start a brand new journey with you.

Last week,  I encountered a chat with the very person who helped me found my heart back in 2013. This chat made me went to sleep in tears, as if I have just dragged the darkness back. We chat about a Place to Call Home.  I guess mostly because the chat make me lost a grip of my balance.  As the morning comes up, and the first ray of my sunshine kicked in, I start to see a better ground.  

Even if the darkness was there, it is always our choice to maintain the stand, whether we will choose to stand in the dark side, or we will step on a higher ground where the light is shining. People might come and go to show us the twilight zone. Yet it is us who must learn how to keep the light on.  So we don't have to accept that anyone who come and asist us, as the only source of light we have. 

Especially for the restless soul, who's been broken and torn apart like mine. I thought I have been turning on the light inside me. But I was wrong, the journey still continued on. As I realized it takes abundance of brightness to bring out everything inside the place where my soul is scattered.

As I ever wrote in my blog few months back, after I went on a soul journey to Solo, Magelang and Ngawi. On one event, I met a long lost soul who showed me that I wasn't home yet. My soul is so restless, I still need a place to call home. This is also felt Like playing back all my own Déjà vu episodes, as I am collecting every pieces of my broken soul.

I wouldn't dare to imagine where this newest episode of my life journey will take us.  But where ever it might lead, I have fate, it will be worth the effort. For this journey really give me a brand new insight.  Eversince 
I start this journey with you,  I sense a high tide of energy is igniting inside of me.  The energy give me a glimpse of a silver lining brightness that is spotting on the road I am travelling.  The light that might 
finally show my restless soul a way to the very Place I Call Home.  

his should be my time to wrap everything up.  If all the truths I have gathered along my journey to get my scattered soul integrated are the truest truth, then I should be able to find it written somewhere in the road map you hold.

God provides me teachers from all over the planet, to challenge my truths and show me how to be a complete human. He sent people to allow me located my heart. He let others show me how to find my God Spot. He even sent many broken souls as mirror to show me how my mind, heart and soul actually wired. 

Now He sent you... 

I will never be able to thank you enough for walking this journey with me.  All I know, when we did something to help the life, the universe will smile at us and return the favor in the most surprising way. Looks like it is my turn to get the surprise, I ho
pe you equally get something good from what we reveal together.

As I begin to understand, no matter how close we are to an enlightenment, that allow us to use The Light Saber to slice into the depth of other people soul. We could never be able to slice into our own depth alone. Just the way we will never be able to see our own ears. 

We certainly need a mirror to get all the brightness around us reflected into the darkness we unconsciously keep inside. At the secret corner of the soul where we locked our deepest fear in a Pandora box, which is placed so secluded and hidden, even from my own consciousness...

May The Force be Upon Us...
So this journey will finally show my way to The Place I Call HOME...


Wings of The Pheonix

The stars knew how long I've been wandering to find the heart that beats in tandem with mine.. The sun noticed how far I'd like to t...