April 14, 2018

Gambar SARJANA ROLAS ( 12 )

Sarehning gamabar punika wontê suraos , dados gegayutan mênggah sagedipun nerangaken menggah maksudipun kedah kacocokaken kaliyan raosipun ingkang maos utawi mriksani .

Mila miturut katerangan gandeng kaliyan gambar punika mekaten :

A . Gambar Kresno Manah Permadi.
Ingkang wonten ungel-ungelanipun

Permadi kang pratitis anggonmu nampani, yén luput tanpa dadi, yén sisip mbebayani . Ya iku kang dén arani gaman Rasa Bantala Tirta Maruta .
Kasinungan linuwih telungbperkoro :

luwih banter
luwih landep
luwih mandi

luwih banter aja ngléwati mesti
luwih landep aja natoni
luwih mandhi aja maténi

B. Gambar Permadi Nampani Jemparing

Gambar Permadi doyong moten pejah, nanging mapan. ingkang wonten ungel-ungelanipun :

Rasakno kang ngatikrasa , iki Rasa apa, Rasane apa ?

C . Gambar ula Nguntal buntuté dewe
Gambar sawer sekawan sami nguntal buntutipun piyambak-piyambak
wontên ungel-ungelanipun :
Mundak ora imbuh - Enték ora kalong - musno ora ilang

Taksaka mangrajut jiwa, mangesti amrih sampurna.

D. Gambar Sarjana Rolas ( 12 ) Tamat.
Inggih isi ungel-ungelan :

Wutuh  -  Pecah  -  Wutah

saiki  -  mbiyén iko  - mbisuk iku

Kang mriksa wajib maca - Kang nganti krasa - Rasa apa lan Rasané sapa

Kang krasa lan rumangsa, wajib tumindak apa mestiné
Tindakno :
Temen, resik, eling
Rila, santosa, Rahayu

Yen wis Tata jenengé, kudu titi marang jumenengé

Yen wis tetep marang enggoné, kudu titis amrang anggoné

aja mangro tingal - aja salah cipta - aja mangeran liyan

bener luput - bejo cilaka - metu saka tekade dewe

Wujud Rasa Kuwasa
KangbNggawe kang nggawa
kang nandur kang ngunduh
Tatasno tindak perluné

Katerangan :
Mila kaurutaken gambar setunggal dumugi sekawan sampun ngantos mandal sumbi panggrayangipun.
sabab menika uruting petangan mesti :
a. 2 dadi 1
b. 1 dadi 3
c. 3 dadi 1
d. 1 anané 2

Mila yen keterangan menika yen dipun terangaken setunggal-setunggal ngebaki papan, mila ringkesipun makaten :

A. Kresna lan Permadi = sejatine siji ( Inggih kang obah kang ngobahakên )

B. Kresna , Rama , Wisnu
Janaka , Sembodro , Srikandi.

Wisnu       : Wiji
Rama       : Dumadi
Kresna     : Pambudi
Janaka     : Kuwasa
Sembodro : Rasa
Srikandi    : Wujud

C. Telu telu dadi siji, 3 X 2 anané 2 ( loro ) dadi 6 X 2 = 12 ( Sarjana Rolas )

D. 1 anané 2 inggih Kresna lan Janaka

Pandawa tansah sama sinamadan .

Mila lajeng kawujudaken  :
Ulo nguntal buntut.

Rangkep Gangsal inggih tetep
1. Rasa
2. Cahya
3. Napas
4. Roh
5. Wujud

Wujud kang nyata dumunung : Semar, Gareng, Petruk

Wujud kang mesti dumunung : Seno

Roh dumunung : Darmokusumo

Napas dumunung : Janaka

Rahsa lan Cahya dumunung : Nakula lan Sadewa.

Mila urutipun mekaten :

Ras ( 1 ), Cahya ( 2 ) , Roh ( 3 ) tansah sesarengan . salah setunggal mboten génggang.
Yen sampun netepaken Rasa, Lajeng katindakaken dening paneksanipun Napas ( 4 ) dumunung wonten Janaka.

Yen sampun pineksa dening nafas, lajeng kabotèkaken ingkang sarana wigih.
Inggih punika Seno ( 5 ) (Wujud ).
Dene wewujudan punika namung kanyatan, nutupi ingkang andadosaken kasamaranipun, dumunung Semar ( 6 ) ( kulit ), Gareng ( 7 ) ( Wulu ), Petruk ( 8 ) ( Kuku ).

Supados tumindak wujud sampun ngatos kalenan ( kesalahan ) ,  pun wujud nganakaké pangawas ing nginggil ngandap, dumunung ana : Ontorejo ( 9 ) lan Gatotkoco ( 10 ).
Pramila pun wujud tansah kasinungan sangandap sanginggilipun.
Punika ingkang ingkang kawestanan Bagusti ( Bagus atiné ), ugi kawestanan GusTi.
Wujudipun Gusti Bagus wonten Abimanyu ( 11 ).

Mangka Gusti wau sampun tetepana Wujud . dadi tegese Bagus tur wis ana anané Bagus sing Bagus anané atine, Banjur kasebut GusTi Allah. Allahé dumunung ing kresna ( 12 ).

Mila manungsa kuwasa. Apa kang sinedya dadi . Sabarang sing dikarepake ora ana sing nglarangi kajobo bangsané Allah ( siji malih ) .
Inggih gantiné perangane wektu, yen wis jam 12 nuli jam 1 manéh.

Wektu tegese tuwa
Tuwa tegese wektu

Barang kang ora mesti ya ora urip

Barang kang ora sudo ya ora kalong

Barang kang ora musna ya ora ilang

Barang kang ora mundak ora imbuh

Mung tetep anané iku

Inggih punika wontenipun Manungsa Sejati netepaken sejatining manungsa, kanti laku kang Utama.
Dumunung wonten gambar ulo nguntal buntut.


April 3, 2018

Who Wants to Live Forever...

Who wants to live forever?
There's no chance for us,
It's all decided for us,
This world has only one sweet moment
set aside for us

Who wants to live forever,
Who dares to love forever,
Who dare who dare,
Who wants to live forever,
When love must die

So touch my tears with your lips,
Touch my world with your fingertips,
And we can have forever,
And we can have forever,
Forever is our today...

~ Queen

I was chatting with a friend this week, when this subject kicking in. I said, I plan to live until 120 and enjoy every moments of it.". He replied with a question "Why 120..??" And I tell him, hat was just a number I borrowed from my American friend  in another site, a very alive lady in my friend list. She was 65 when I add her. Then my friend sadly said he doesn't want a too long life span, because He could not bare watching everyone He loved die.

Being left by people we love is a great sadness, I learn about that when my mother passed away. She was only 43 years  old, while I was 21. I learned about the biggest lost in my life at that age, with a lot of stress hanging because My Dad didn't cope well with that situation.I have to stand as a trustworthy adult for my little brother and sister, telling them not to be sad and afraid. Most difficult thing to do, because at that time my own heart was badly broken and I was so scare myself. But that was when I learn about my real strength, at that moment I didn't have other choice than being strong, for my own good and my siblings, who were only 18 and 15 years old.

My life had never been easy, my lesson of being strong has start the moment I learned my mom had cancer, and the side effect of the therapy she took was a dilated heart which could only work 45% from normal and possibly arrest at any moment (She got it arrested twice in 4 years, before finally took her life away). She was a very strong will medical doctor, with her condition she still worked as an ER doctor which required a lot of worked and a very strong nerve. That was Strength.

Her way of life prevented me from crying to see her pain. I believe I must not show worry face, I had to let her knew  everything going to be alright even if she must take off any moment. Because all she care about was Us, her children. She didn't care about her illness nor the pain. So I could only be there, holding her hands going through her worst moment in the disease story and being strong for her.

Then when the time finally took her, I could only think that was the best for her. She had done with her pain and sickness, and she had  finished her burden to take care of us her children with her impeccable strength. It was an awful pain for any of her children, the biggest lost in our life.

But in time of learning to be strong I realized. My mom was just leaving in body form, her spirit and love stayed in our thoughts, feelings and memories forever. She is still very much alive in me. Death is just another side of life and the eternal love will never be separated from us even by death.

We may have lost so many people in life already. Best friends from childhood, our family's member, some true love of our life and so on. We may refuse to stand the lost, as if we would rather join with them.  The exact  feeling we may feel when our Moms were gone forever and we miss her with every beat of our heart until today.

The show must go on. We lost some people in our life but every where we go from day to day, we may meet new people. The new people who comes will never replace anyone who left, but their presence will enriched our life with their own unique way of bringing the light back to us after our big storm caused by loosing people we love so much.

The new feelings we share worth the life. While our love for the those who left is still ours to keep. The love should  make us smile over the great memories of the happiest moment we spent with them. By then we can no longer weep for the sadness in loosing them, because all we have in ourselves is being very grateful they were once coloring our time line with beautiful rainbow.

Even if in some moments we feel like crying when the memories with them flashing in our mind, that will be the sweet tears. Just smile when we feel the tears rolling down our face. Because the sweet tears are not coming to weaken our strength. They are there to soften our heart and soul.

Let the love we feel for the people who has gone forever do nothing but  make us smile in gratitude because they will live forever in Us.

Everything is Connect to Everything Else...

Sejatinya Mind kita itu diciptakan utk bisa mencermati setiap spektrum warna, demi menganalisis semua kode yang tersimpan di setiap lapisan spektrum cahaya, baik yang tampak maupun yang tidak, asalkan terdeteksi Heart..
Problemnya, Mind kita ini mudah sekali terjebak settingan dari Mind lain, yang sepertinya bekerja lebih canggih. Jebakan jenis ini seringnya mengacaukan keBeningan Soul, yang berakibat terganggunya koneksi Mind dan Heart. Makanya Soul mesti rajin dibeningkan, agar koneksi Mind dan Heart dapat digunakan utk mendecoding apa yang terdeteksi dan masuk radarnya Heart...
Heart dan Mind yang terkoneksi sempurna pada gilirannya akan mampu memberDAYAkan Soul, agar Shieldnya aktif, hingga jebakan dan kekacauan di Luar diri tidak akan mempengaruhi keBeningannya...
Segitiga Mind Soul Heart yang terkoneksi sempurna pada gilirannya akan membuka koneksi dengan Higher Self/Guru Sejati/Pure Spirit/God Spot/whatever you name it. Higher self ini adalah kunci terkoneksinya Mikrokosmos dengan Makrokosmos...
Ketika kunci koneksi antara Mikro dan Makrokosmos terbuka, saat itulah kita akan memahami tujuan utama, kenapa Soul ini lahir di Bumi...
Adalah tugas setiap Jiwa untuk terus mencari Tujuan kelahirannya di Bumi, meski tantangan terbesarnya adalah terjebak Mindset yang keliru tentang Hidup. Termasuk di dalamnya kekeliruan memahami Kesejatian Diri, yang berbuah kegagalan menjadi Saksi Keberadaan Sang Pencipta sebagai komposer tunggal Orkestrasi Semesta...
Berharap kita terhindar dari jebakan hidup yang demikian samar adanya. Hanya Cermat atas Realita, adalah satu2nya cara membaca dan memahami KersaNya atas Kehidupan di dalam Diri. Sementara, selalu ada Dua Tuhan buat manusia, Dia yang menCipta semesta, dan yang terCipta sebagai buah mindsetnya...
Setiap hari kita perlu eling dan waspada, demi Cermat memilah di antara keduanya, karena samar sekali batasan di antara kedua Tuhan yang sama2 tampak NYATA itu. Butuhnya MemBENING. Padahal BENING bukanlah konstanta. Adanya baru akan NISCAYA lewat upaya SADAR di REALITA...

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Wings of The Pheonix

The stars knew how long I've been wandering to find the heart that beats in tandem with mine.. The sun noticed how far I'd like to t...