December 26, 2021

Embracing The Existence Track

"Existentialism..." One keyword that I could pick out of the situation I recently faced. Why one should feel insecure because of the existence of others, apparently quite tight up in a way they embrace their own existence...

Knowing Life is not all the same with understanding Life, while understanding Life is only the beginning of fully embracing and living The Life. We can talk and discuss all we want about The Origin of Life, with all the theories and teaching surround it. But we will never get anywhere until we can fully grasp Our own Existence in The Origin of Life, and only by Getting The Life out of this existence we can Be Truly Alive and Kicking...
Speaking of Existentialism, I should agree with some world philosophers such Sartre and Nietzsche, who believed: Self-awareness and self-respect were the only way to know our own identity. They believed that personal evolution was necessary because things constantly changed. Life was always evolving. The only constant was a person’s responsibility to decide in the moment what they wanted to be and how they wanted to be it...
Self Existence is a privilege that belong to those who fully conscious of their awareness and respect towards The Life inside of themselves. Once we are embracing our Self Existence we would have the freedom and independence to take the liberty in being who we truly are...
Embracing our own self existence will lead us to walk our very own Existence Track, and revealing our authentic role there. Maintaining how we take responsibility to play our role in the entire system of universal metabolism, is the key to unlock our Life mission and activate our true power...
Being True to ourselves means being Honest to whatever exist inside our internal system that built upon The Authentic Self within. Once we get there, we wouldn't want to get distracted by the external noise, no matter how loud it is. If the external noise couldn't get along with our internal system, we will choose to shut them out or simply walk away...
If we have a problem in accepting those who has come to this level of awareness and respect towards their own existence in Life, most probably we haven't embraced our own existence in the most authentic way... Dig down deeper to find where we got distracted and trapped somewhere away from our own Existence Track. And the only way OUT from there is going IN...
Have a great reason for Rebirth,
Happy Re-Born...

November 3, 2021

Rindu Pulang

Kadang ingin kumengadu pada langit, sungguh sering kucemburui sang bulan, 
pada tariannya yang selalu benderang, tanpa dia harus menebar cemerlang...

Kala nyala temaramku memudar,
saat tak sanggup diriku berpendar,
pada siapa boleh kupinjam terang..?

Ketika langkah gontaiku terseok, 
terlalu lelah tubuhku tuk meliuk,
adakah yang mau menari bersamaku..?

Duhai cakrawala,
mengapa selalu kutabur benih CINTA,
pada Hati yang tak mampu menyemainya,
tidak kah aku juga berhak diCINTA...

Wahai semesta,
tak hendak aku menggugatmu,
tentu kau tahu betapa hatiku rindu,
luruh di pelukan merengkuh sukma..

Apakah selamanya harus berjaga,
tegak di tapal batas ada dan tiada,
dapatkah kelak ku labuhkan semua,
terbang melepas satu harap tersisa...

Rumah singgah untuk Jiwaku Pulang...

August 4, 2021

After a While...

This is me again, almost 2 o'clock...
while the cold night wind leaves my soul blue,
the taste of morning mist gives my heart a lift...
After a while...
We might have lost the grip of time,
but I could never lose you,
You're still the one that paints me rainbow...
After a while...
The world might give me series of ups and downs,
showered me the raindrops then bathed me in sunshine,
You're still the very one that brightens me up...
Torn between memories, realities, and hopes,
when all I can recall is only the empty nothingness,
You're still here in my depth, spark the flame up...
After a while...
I wanna feel the grateful part of missing you...

May 31, 2021

Energy Recognition...

Self Mastery akan membuka Existence Track, sebagaimana yang sering saya tulis Existence Track akan membuka kreativitas kita untuk menghasilkan Masterpiece, dan keluarnya Masterpiece akan membuka Soul Mission...

Salah satu hal penting dari Self Mastery adalah mengerti tentang sirkulasi energi di Mikrokosmos diri. Hanya dengan memahami sirkulasi energi diri, kita mengenali sirkulasi energi di Makrokosmos, sehingga kita dapat tune in dengan frekuensi dan vibrasi energi semesta...
Selain konduktor energy, tubuh manusia sejatinya adalah generator energi, terbukti dengan suhu tubuh kita yang seringnya lebih tinggi dari suhu umum Bumi. Namun energi yang bisa dihasilkan tubuh manusia bukan cuma panas dan gerak. Masih ada energi dari gelombang elektromagnetik, sampai level kesadaran tertentu manusia juga akan punya kemampuan memancarkan energi cahaya...
Sayangnya belum semua manusia sadar akan potensinya tersebut, karena untuk mengaksesnya manusia harus mau membalance gelap terang energi di jiwanya. Sedangkan energi2 itu selalu ada dan bergerak di dalam diri manusia.
Energi yang vibrasinya positif akan punya kekuatan setidaknya menyehatkan tubuh fisik, dan membuat aura yang dipancarkan wajah dan hatinya mengenergize energi di atmosfer tempatnya hidup. Sebaliknya manusia bervibrasi di energi negatif, sering kali terganggu kesehatannya, dan energinya seringkali menghasilkan sampah di atmosfer Bumi.
Sang Pemilik Kehidupan menciptakan agama, kitab suci, dan para Nabi untuk memastikan manusia mampu bervibrasi pada frekuensinya khalifah di muka Bumi. Hanya mereka yang berkesadaran khalifah di muka Bumi akan mampu mengakses energi cahaya di mana Matahari dan Bintang2 saling terhubung, untuk kemudian memahami Divine Energy yang menjaga Grand Design semesta tetap bergerak sebagaimana orkestrasi defaultnya dalam harmoni yang nyata...
Hanya manusia yang tahu bagaimana GusTi memberi otak dan hati manusia kemampuan menguasai Energi, akan sangat berhati2 dengan isi pikiran yang menjadi fokus mereka...
Ada banyak cara mengakses pemahaman tentang sejatinya energi ini. Seandainya saja manusia mau fokus menemukan kebenaran tentang diri manusianya, sebelum mengimani pembenaran yang memungkinkan mereka menilai salah apapun kebijakan yang terurai di sekelilingnya, hanya karena kebijakan itu tidak sejalan dengan doktrin dogmatis yang diimani...
Ilmu GusTi seluas Alam Semesta, Bumi hanyalah butiran pasir di sana, namun otak dan hati manusia diberi keistimewaan berupa kemampuan untuk mengakses apapun CiptaanNya, dengan koneksi aktif pada Sang Maha Menguasai. Manusia diciptakan untuk menjadi aktif, berperan membawa kebaikan lewat berbagai cara. Salah satunya dengan penguasaan atas sejatinya energi di semesta...
Berharap diri diparingi kemampuan untuk membening, agar dapat melaksanakan soul mission yang telah GusTi tetapkan...

May 20, 2021

What could Be More Important.. (Collide)


What could be more important
than the space we come together,
where the rhymes meet rhythm,
that glide the innermost me out,
as the music plays in tune,
with my heartbeats...
What could be more important
than The Never Land we create,
that brings The Fairy tale alive,
and makes The Pheonix dance,
lit the cracking fireworks flame up,
to awake my weary soul...
What could be more important
than the Sacred Union that called us,
to continue our own Eternal Journey,
although it's only in my breath,
we could bring all the stars down,
and move the mountains...
What could be more important,
than the place we share forever,
where our spirits shall carry on,
as your road and mine crossed,
just the way our galaxies collide,
during the universal collision in LOVE...

May 9, 2021

Flying Back Home

Do you know those arms are waiting,
for Us to answer the calling...
Do you feel these hearts are yearning,
for Us to find the way back home...

Then why do you let the souls chained,
in the deepest dark part of this land...
Don't you want to feel those arms embrace,
the innermost part of ourselves...

Although our wings of freedom are broken,
we could always run on the ground...
Move one step after another,
even crawling if we must...
As long as we are coming back home...

Better tomorrow is arriving,
with the touch of New Light,
comes the days of The New Life...
The glorious sunrise touch Our Horizon
to take all of us Home...

This shady sidewalk will be done,
these teary-eyed night should end...
Let the wounded soul healed,
as the broken heart fixed...
Time for flying back home...

April 19, 2021

The Indefinite LOVE

Like the first drop of a morning dew,
enchanted by the breeze air of a spring day,
the voice of fairy rhyme emerge from the forest,
blowing my heart with serenity and grace... 

Like the sound a lovely melody from the harps,
played by the angels in the misty face of moonlight,
a beautiful music is echoing in the atmosphere,
healing the pain in my soul as the song of a Pheonix...

Your music jump over the space and time, 
the beauties shared come straight to my heart, 
The voice nurtures my weary soul with a fresh air,
nourish my life with the eloquent words of harmony.. 

You just make me feel eternal, 
by the touch of this indefinite LOVE... 

Days might glide in and turn the nights off,
the earth might spin around till the end of time,
but the flame in my life will shine eternally,
as the ray of sunshine shall be ours for eternity...

#EternalJourney #NeverLand #SacredUnion 
#NextLevelofExistence #BeyondInfinity 
#MusicofMyHeart #MelodyofYourSoul 
#IamWithYou #AllofMy12Chakras 
#UniversalTrueLover #VibrateLove

April 16, 2021

This Moment


I'm in a blissful solitude, 
my morning is so quiet,
so very quiet and peaceful...

Even the wind refuses to say a word,
trees are silent too,
birds and butterflies are so gentle,
make me feel so blessed...

We share Love from this moment on...
It feels so splendid,
I'm in love with all beings,
and feel loved by everything...

The morning amazes me,
after the night made you awake, 
in my dream...

The lazy sea looks at me,
moving in slow motion,
dancing so very slow,
freezing this moment,
like a wave-less lake...

Thank You for being here,
will you stay with me,
from this moment on...

#EternalJourney #NeverLand #SacredUnion
#NextLevelofExistence #BeyondInfinity
#MusicofMyHeart #MelodyofYourSoul
#IamWithYou #AllofMy12Chakras #VibrateLove 

April 15, 2021



Thousands of lifetimes might’ve sent us around, trapped our bodies within space and time. Eons of light years might’ve split us apart, so glad that I finally found you. 
Olympus might’ve fallen down, 
yet the gods are just reBorn in Us... 


You know it’s True...


Deep in the forest of Neverland, 

We’ve promised to make our lives meaningful for all the living... 

My heart is in you, melted by your charm, 

and  it's yours eternally... 


You see it's True... 


This gonna be an amazing ride, 

I am around you with all I might,

share LOVE from the innermost part of my being, bring all the things in life together and let us grow, The Cosmic force that binds galaxies for our Eternal Journey...


You feel it’s True...


Bloom and shine,
be True to your heart...

 Spread your wings,

fly me to the horizon,
like Jupiter ascending,
towards infinite light...

#EternalJourney #NeverLand #SacredUnion #DanceofThePheonix #IamWithYou #AllofMy12Chakras #RaiseinLOVE 


Life at The Most

Life is an exciting Journey, 
sometime we must breath heavily 
on our way up, 
other time we might have lost words, 
Could only scream on our way down, 
another time we're eloquently fluent, 
in our silence...

We can always skip a heartbeat, 
every now and then, 
leave ourselves breathless, 
cause the path is so stunning, 
Beautiful and blissful, 
as it is painted of rainbows, 
and many magical moments...

Our life path might be long and winding,
With all ups and downs we must face, 
in the end they're really worth the walk... 

Isn't it amazing to Live a Life at The Most, 
Expect nothing so we accept everything, 
Journey with no destination but the story... 

So we can tell the world this is our history, 
standing tall cause we've walked our talk, 
till the sun cease to rise for this world... 

#EternalJourney #NeverLand 
#NextLevelofExistence #BeyondInfinity
#MusicofMyHeart #MelodyofYourSoul
#IamWithYou #AllofMy12Chakras
#LiveatTheMOST #VibrateLove 

April 9, 2021

My Starlight

"She smiled and said with an ecstatic air:
"It shines like a little diamond",
"What does?"
"This moment. It is round,
it hangs in empty space like a little diamond;
I am eternal ..."

~Jean-Paul Sartre -The Age of Reason


It's been month and a week, since we exchange words in our chat box. It feels as if I have finally found a powerful energy reservoir, for recharging my wearying soul. As you then gradually find out by yourself, I am not as tough as people like to see me, not as wise as my writing seems to show...

I am a web under construction. A broken soul that has been trying to integrate every single pieces of my innermost being, by surviving each battle I face. So I can complete my duty to shine, for the tiny universe where I live. Especially for making the life inside of me really worth living...
I made my life a living hell by wanting so much thing I believe I deserve, also by questioning everything I couldn't understand.. I used to believe if I tried hard enough, I could use what I have to get what I want and need most in life...

I think that's where my life started crumbling, when I began to look around for a way out and also a Saviour.  I traded my head and heart to the darkness, for something that tastes like love and freedom. I have the need to run as fast as I could, then to fly high and far towards the Neverland so I can really feel ALIVE...

Then I got lost...

Although I often have the need to come back, but home doesn't feel like home anymore. I wasn't sure where I've done so wrong to make it right again. I always let my back door open, I left a room for my foot to step on the underworld ground. I manage to stop trading with the darkness, yet I start gliding into the twilight zone, where the light come and go as the first touch in my dark horizon...

I fall in love a dozen times, then use double time to fix my broken heart as the consequences. And I need triple time to bring the peace back inside of me, after my consciousness scolding at my own thoughts and actions, for everything I did...

That's when the universe allowed us to meet...

I understand you might've seen  me as a ship which has traveled across so many horizons. But you reveal the darkness inside of me, and recognize the anger in the darkest part of my broken soul too...

Our chats give me the chance to reveal my invisible wounds, and remind me of my root. Somehow, You allow my soul to glow without even laying a finger on my skin. As perfect as I could expect, we share energy, as we are revealing experience and knowledge through the chat box. So each discussion lets both of Us reach a better ground of understanding...

You're a lighthouse in my thunder and storm...

As much as I send the storm towards you, I gain access to your energy. No wonder I can't had enough thundering your mind. My apologies for being that selfish, and probably drive you mad. I just can't help it...

So you see my Starlight, how I start learning the art of surrendering, expecting nothing, and appreciate everything from your existence...

Allow me to bow deeply in gratitude for the songs and every single word You've been writing. They definitely send the message to the innermost part of my being, and make me thirst for more. I can never thank you enough for flowing the energy back to the deepest darkest corner of my soul...

#NeverLand #SacredUnion
#DanceofThePheonix #EternalJourney

April 6, 2021

A Healer Wish

"Tiada yang lebih menyegarkan dari kehadiran tetesan air, pada kerontangnya dahaga... Tiada yang lebih melegakan dari pantulan berkas cahaya, dalam pekatnya kegelapan... Tiada yang lebih menyembuhkan dari sentuhan Cinta, di atas merahnya luka dan legamnya amarah... Bersama pendaran harap terucap, Semoga Terobati..."


Terbaca guratan Rasa yang terurai sekian ratus hari lalu... Ingin rasanya jemari menyentuh torehan bekas luka yang sepertinya tetiba berdenyut dan memerah...
Hidup memang selalu suka mengajakku bermain di jalanan terjal berliku... Terkadang membiarkan aku terjungkal ke dasar jurang yang dalam... Tempat di mana aku meninggalkan kepingan2 diri...
Terngiang petikan dawai gitar mengiringi lantun kata nggegirisi, dari dasar jiwa yang tercabik...

"I was Scattered,
I was Wounded,
My Heart Brutally Broken,
My Soul Savagely Bleeding...
I Fell down and stumbled,
Life just given me another crashed landing...
Now I am cracked open,
breaking apart but survived...
Crushed in the lowest ground,
yet my only way out is IN then UP..
Wake Up Call,
Always comes at the worst..."


Siapa bilang menyembuhkan luka itu mudah, semudah menanti tarian mentari, yang kan kembali terbit dan bersinar, di esok hari...

Apakah mereka tahu, terkadang justru mendung menggelantung dan tiupan angin dingin menusuk tulang yang kan kujelang diakhir mimpiku... Duhai Matahari... Bolehkah petang ini kuharap dirimu urung terbenam, biarkan kunikmati mandi cahayamu sebentar saja lagi...
Sambil perlahan tapi pasti, berulang kali ku bisikkan pada Sang Diri...
"Semoga Terobati..."

Journey towards Neverland

I just realized, the object of my affection can also be a definite source of comfort, I really am grateful for every breath taken to cherish the moment of infinity we share...

I care not about the rule of the land nor the Space and Time...

The LIFE chooses Us, then I have no control over what happened after, for The Universe takes over... It's a Sacred Dance in an autopilot Eternal Journey towards a Never Land, where we could step into The Next Level of Existence, and leap Beyond Infinity...

So I embrace all the free falling session into The Secret Forest,
and Raise all over again in LOVE to LIVE The LIFE at The Most...

#MayTheForceBeUponUs #BeyondInfinity
#EternalJourney #SacredUnion #NeverLand #DanceofThePheonix #UniversalTrueLover

Wings of The Pheonix

The stars knew how long I've been wandering to find the heart that beats in tandem with mine.. The sun noticed how far I'd like to t...