January 31, 2013

I am Floating, I Just Want to be in Love...

I have been spending some lazy days... I feel like floating around in a place where space and time don't really matter... It has been a funny week... Last night was the third night I could not sleep... I have chatted around but still sleepy did not come…I had to play a TV series on my laptop to get me drowsy... And after that, again I spent all my morning sleeping...!!!

That is not really a good way for living... I believe this is an extra energy burst I felt, because I had nothing bothering my head at the moment that could really stop me from sleeping…  I should have spent the time in a more productive way… Yet I was just floating around without certain focus on something…

I used to spend that much energy when I was busy finishing something, like writing articles, doing translations or making presentation... I could be up all night and sleep for 3-4 hours a day for a week... Today I just feel that, I need to write something all out from the depth of my being, but I am not sure what to write and where to start it… It feels like having a certain melody in my head to compose, but I do not know which instrument to play it and not sure how to make the right arrangement the way I want to hear…

Everything is still flying in chaos inside of me… Between what I need just in the way that I want, with my reality that I must cope to handle my daily life head up, in clash with my dream the way I feel my future should be... The bunch of energy is there, bursting... Keep me awake and alert but I spent it only to float around...

Are you familiar with this song..??

Queen - 'Don't Stop Me Now'

There was a time in my life when I could relate to this song… Lived with full capacity and intensity, speeding up to chase something in non distracted focus… I feel today, I want to have my speed and focus back ...

I should not waste any more time… I have to start the process of activating the long gone features inside of me, turn them all back on, combine it with my newest features and perspectives in life… Then focus on making the best out of them… I just can not figure it out how I am going to do all those things... Not just yet… So, I keep on floating… Eventually I know, I should allow myself to enjoy this as an ongoing process…

Because all these days, I have allowed myself to feel trapped in my own reality… Like I have a cool full loaded and well equipped 4 wheel drive vehicle, enhanced with great suspension and speed.. Too bad, I could only drive it from mall to mall in the save suburban area…

So I am floating, following myself to the stream I should be flowing… Trying to stop going with other people flows… Finding my true being, the way I feel it right to be… I little bit too late starting at 37 years old… But late has always been better than never…

Mean while, as I am floating, my heart dance slowly discovering the music of my soul, letting my mind rest… Suddenly, I am absorbed to this music…

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years (Piano/Cello Cover) - ThePianoGuys

I always love the song, but this one touches me deeper than the original... I really love the composition… The music gave me an urge to feel the strikes of sparkling fireworks in my heartbeats and the butterflies’ effect in my tummy...  Please, do not awake me… Let me just float and dream some more…

Yes… I want to be in love… Head to heel deeply fallen… But this time I do not need to be bothered with whom… It is more about me and me alone… I just want to focus on how I really feel…  I believe floating and falling in love with the one I start to become is the right idea… The next would be setting a new set of actions and goals for the small world where the life inside of me lives…

I feel like spending the days like these talking and chatting with those who has ever experienced my situation and successfully walked out of this kind of days… And it is also great to share this kind of experience with those who is floating like I am now…

Bless the internet… It is a very good thing that with these feelings  floating in me I can travel around the world in the speed  of light… All I need to do is blending my heart and mind, then channeling them passionately with my soul an spirit…

After that, I would like to dare myself to move around the universe… It feels really great to meet, gather and dance with other souls in the Quantum Leap... The souls that stand only one click away around me…

The SOUL like YOURS,
thank you for reading and being with me...

Bunch of Love,

January 28, 2013

Note for My B-Day Girl...

 270113 - For the most wonderful teenage in the world...

Photo: 270113 - For the most wonderful teenage in the world...

One year is added to your age,
may God always add His Perfection 
into your beautiful life..

Another year is reduced from your timeline,
may God always give Brightness 
for you to see all His Perfect Plan..

So, there will never be a day wasted.. Every single second that flies will give you meaning.. As a lesson for the next journey which will open all the secrets of your true role before God in this life.. The very reason you are created..

In every pray I whisper your name..

May God always be there in every breath You take.. Giving a color to your blood flow.. Sounding a melody in your heart beat.. Echoing a trace in every step You made.. Whatever you will become, wherever you go in the universe..

May I can always be one of your best company..  In a lifetime adventure to find your destiny the way it is written on your own unique life scenario.. So you can embrace the journey, as beautiful as you  could ever dance through every minutes of it..

My dear, just note this...

Your destiny is written and re-write according to the way You live Your Life... So, live this life and love it gracefully.. Be ready for all the best plan the universe could ever provide You.. Wish You always have the greatest episodes of life..

I never know the time can travel so fast... All of sudden, You are simply 'Slipping Through My Fingers' .. Growing so proud.. Standing so tall..  So full of surprises..

Yet.. I hope we will always work all things together, through every differences we have in harmony.. So we can make the best out of all the time we share..

Always Yours Unconditionally..
Bunch of Love,

One year is added to your age,
may God always add His Perfection
into your beautiful life..

Another year is reduced from your timeline,
may God always give Brightness
for you to see all His Perfect Plan..

So, there will never be a day wasted.. Every single second that flies will give you meaning.. As a lesson for the next journey which will open all the secrets of your true role before God in this life.. The very reason you are created..

In every pray I whisper your name..

May God always be there in every breath You take.. Giving a color to your blood flow.. Sounding a melody in your heart beat.. Echoing a trace in every step You made.. Whatever you will become, wherever you go in the universe..

May I can always be one of your best company.. In a lifetime adventure to find your destiny the way it is written on your own unique life scenario.. So you can embrace the journey, as beautiful as you could ever dance through every minutes of it..

My dear, just note this...

Your destiny is written and re-write according to the way You live Your Life... So, live this life and love it gracefully.. Be ready for all the best plan the universe could ever provide You.. Wish You always have the greatest episodes of life..

I never know the time can travel so fast... All of sudden, You are simply 'Slipping Through My Fingers' .. Growing so proud.. Standing so tall.. So full of surprises..

Yet.. I hope we will always work all things together, through every differences we have in harmony.. So we can make the best out of all the time we share..

Always Yours Unconditionally..
Bunch of Love,


January 16, 2013

Catatan Seorang Emak yang Sangat Keberatan dengan Belum TERTANGGULANGInya Banjir di JAKARTA...

Sedikit catatan dari seorang EMAK Rumahan yang merasa sangat keberatan jika harus terus menerus berhadapan dengan BANJIR, untuk PEMDA, Badan Koordinasi, Badan Penanggulangan Bencana, Kantor Kementrian wilayah dan LSM Lingkungan SE-JABODETABEK dalam rangka upaya adaptasi cuaca ekstrim terutama curah hujan tinggi di JABODETABEK dan penanggulangan banjir..

Kita semua tahu AIR tidak akan menjadi masalah bagi bumi dan manusia jika saja siklus hidrologi berlangsung seimbang dan sempurna, di mana curah hujan yang jatuh dapat segera menemukan jalan terbaik ke laut atau diserap PERMUKAAN TANAH dan disimpan sempurna oleh AKAR PEPOHONAN. Sayangnya, kapasitas sungai Ciliwung dan sungai-sungai lain serta kanal-kanal di Jakarta untuk mengalirkan air ke laut sudah tidak mencukupi lagi. Sedang daerah hijau dan permukaan tanah di Jabodetabek sudah tidak memadai untuk menyeimbangkan siklus hidrologi di wilayah ini. Jadi perlu adanya satu solusi terpadu dari di daerah hilir sampai ke hulu berkaitan dengan masalah tersebut.

Untuk itu sepertinya tidak boleh ditawar lagi kita perlu melakukan : 1. Rehabilitasi Hutan Mangrove. 2. Menjebol sebagian beton dan jalan untuk menggali kanal dan memperluas jalur hijau. 3. Relokasi SAMPAH dari jalan-jalan air. 4. Menggegarkan kesadaran masyarakat akan perlunya ruang hijau dan drainase yang bersih.

Kemudian mengingat salah satu penyebab banjir besar di Jakarta adalah tidak sebandingnya kecepatan pelepasan air dari Manggarai ke laut dengan debit air yang dikirim dari Bogor dan Depok ke Jakarta.. Maka perlu kiranya dibangun lebih banyak bendungan dan pintu air tambahan disepanjang sungai ciliwung untuk memperlambat debit air dari Bogor dan Depok.

Bendungan dan pintu air yang ada HARUS dilengkapi dengan konsep koordinasi antar pintu real-time yang dapat dipantau dan disiarkan secara luas lewat berbagai media terutama dapat diakses menggunakan internet, juga secara REAL-TIME..

Masyarakat umum terutama EMAK rumahan, PERLU tau dengan pasti volume dan debit air yang akan masuk di lokasi masing-masing, dengan hitungan kasar berapa cm/m tiap satuan waktu. Sehingga upaya evakuasi barang dan jiwa dapat dipertimbangkan secara akurat..

Hari ini Rabu, 16 Januari 201.. Lagi-lagi banyak penduduk kehilangan barang yang hanya diselamatkan di bawah atap rumah berlantai satu, karena berasumsi air tidak akan mencapai ketinggian itu. Ternyata air bahkan menghanyutkan genteng rumah mereka...

Miris menyaksikan tetangga di Jl. Ciliwung Ujung, Kp Kramat Condet -Cililitan, yang telah kehilangan tempat tidur hangat kini bahkan tidak punya baju kering untuk ganti. Kompor dan perabot hanyut terbawa air sementara rumah masih terendam lumpur. Hal yang sama pernah terjadi di tahin 2002 dan 2007, seharusnya tidak perlu terjadi lagi di 2013 jika saja teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dimanfaatkan sempurna oleh setiap penanggung jawab wilayah dan instansi terkait..

50 meter dari rumah kami, 16 Januari 2013 pukul 06.00 pagi..

Demikian sekelumit curhatan Geje Emak, semoga ada yang membaca dan memperhatikan. Semoga malam ini tidak bertambah warga DKI Jakarta terutama anak-anak yang kehilangan tempat tidur hangatnya, karena BANJIR. Amiiiin..

January 1, 2013

2013 : I Decide to Be A Happy Woman...!!

Since I consider myself an adult (after I become a mom), I think new year never mean much to me... I must say, It's just another day... My teenage girl will say, "Being an adult is pretty suck..!!!" (Too bad, I should agree with that...)

But this year, after the tears I shed in 2011... and all the craziness I made in 2012... Now, I should tell my girl that life is so full of choices... If the choice we need is not on the menu... Never say we don't have better choice and go for less... We deserve the best by making New Options... Including start acting crazy and stop thinking as an adult... Insanity is fun, when we decide to have it consciously ... (I must say, my teenage girl adore me for this statement now... You know what, it is fun to be a funky mom..!!!)

I have lived for 37 years, I never spend time to make resolutions...
But this year I would like to give it a shot... Let's see what I've got :

I promise myself, 2013 will full of Win-win solutions... Best Agreement... Negotiations... and Achievements that will make me really happy as a woman, mom and the citizen of universe...

For I finally see that happiness is in Me, all I need is look  in and take it out.. I will start by understanding my need and describing how I want to fulfill them.. Then I will continue by drawing the shapes of my own happiness and color them with rainbow... That's how I plan to paint my life...

And also since life is so full of ups and downs, I urge myself to decide how I want to handle the sadness and sorrow in my life.. As I switch the impact of all pain I feel, from the one that hurts me to the one that change me... Cause the wound that couldn't kill me, will definitely make me grow stronger if I allow it to heal completely...

I will stop playing as an object, who will need other to kiss away my sadness and sorrow... It is time to stop being the passenger of my own life vessel... I will learn to be the subject who has the authority to navigate the  way and decide the direction to go... Although I can't always be the driver...

At this new beginning, I make myself another promise :

I will never again waiting for the storm to pass, because in 2011 and 2012,  the life let me learned an important lesson about dancing in the rain till the sun shine again.. The brand new day will always come with the new rainbow of life and better tomorrow does exist if we try hard enough...

Wishing you all happiness and the best out of the coming year...
With all the love, laugh, light, peace and harmony that we deserve...

Bunch of Love,


Wings of The Pheonix

The stars knew how long I've been wandering to find the heart that beats in tandem with mine.. The sun noticed how far I'd like to t...