December 21, 2012

Shall We...??

It may be looked scattered now,
but sometime we can build better
after all torn apart..

That's how we saw what was missing,
so then we could put things together
in the right order..
Shall We...??
And I believe...
Sometime we need to experience breakdown,
so we can create a breakthrough...

December 18, 2012

My Words of Hope for Better Tomorrow..

"When The bad turns to the worst,
as the availabilities change
and the best goes away
keep on believing
the better tomorrow does exist.."

"Some Great Music can change the cloudy sky,
put away the rain and bring the rainbow back..."

"Happiness is within,
We just have to find the way 
to look in and let it out..."

"People should get what they deserve...
Unless they will try to fill the gap,
using what they have
to get what they want..."

"It's not about how hard we crash,
or how deep we fall down...
It's more about how hard we try
to get back on our feet then move on..."

"Get the balance back,
have faith Heaven won't let you drown for long

when you try your best to keep on swimming..."

"Let all the dream rest,
Let the time goes by,
Let the memories fly,
Leaving only hope and pray,
Then tomorrow will really come
 in true face..."

December 7, 2012

Again, About East and West...

This note is written on my American Facebook friend's comment box. I just want to file the thoughts I wrote there, maybe it will be useful someday.. His FB status was actually about a person who gives negative comment on his posts and opinion about Gaza crisis. This person throwing his mind on how awful he saw the muslim world these days. The opinion is simply judging the world I live in.. So I have the need to speak up and write my mind on this matter..

I'd like to believe there's no more pure war, anywhere on earth at the very moment which is there for a very good reason. War is a big business, and too bad, after the cold war over... We (the muslim world),  just become the next target to be set as the enemy. That propaganda (which he believed) make Islam sounds so awful. He even talk about the violence on women right in The Islam world.

I could  only say.. Hey..!!! That's not Islam.. Not the Islam I believe...

I am a muslim woman, who believe that Islamic Value is fair and beautiful to embrace. We don't fight on equality level with men for a reason...

Please don't get mixed up between muslims, Mid East/AsianTraditional Custom and Islamic Value...

According to Islamic value, women are supported by at least 10 men in our lives, if somehow we fail to support ourselves... As Mothers, we have privilege to be respected 3 times before The Fathers... At this rate, actually our men should make sure we live smiling, before they can sleep at night... Because in our hands we build a generation and a society who live in harmony... Mother and Women are the source of love... The houses with happy woman live in describe as "Baity Jannaty" - My home, My Heaven. So, our men should be the one who make sure the house is clean and the cloth are folded in the cupboard. As they make sure we have food in our table. The Best Men in Islam are those who Love their women the most... Too bad not so many familiar with the real Islamic value... Including Our own Men...

I have many western friends.  I respect them and learn many things from them. Humanity and religions should always be in harmony. If it doesn't, so the error part is not the software (as I see religion is one of the most bugged software in humanity), but mostly the hardware. On the other part, this world war maker will do any propaganda needed to keep the existence of war all over the planet, because the war is their business. Some people make money from war. Some people use war to gain power..

I believe, none of the nations get any profit who ever win any war in this planet, anymore. Will American people live better life if Hamas surrender in Gaza, or they will live worse if the Zionist pulls the troop out of Gaza..??? But making muslim look ugly and angry enough to say then do extreme things in the name of jihad is the easiest way to sustain war.. I think at this point I should say I miss Uni Soviet and cold war..

As for oppressing women's right,  it is definitely not an Islamic Value. Many verse in Holy Quran about women are basically made to protect women. But it is got twisted in the world's understanding, and worse it got mixed up with traditional custom in Mid East/Asian countries that put women behind men. Like before Islam come The Arabian men had the heart to bury their baby daughters alive just to hide the shame having girl again as a child. Islamic value does preserves women right in the balance way. How would the world understand more about Islamic Value, if now a day not many muslim care enough to learn the basic understanding in the balance and harmony way by upgrading their knowledge, as The Prophet's saying, "learn from the cradle to the grave.." Improving knowledge is a must till the death do us apart form the life...

Personally, I see equality is not always the fairest way to solve the gender gap. More than equality we need proportional responsibility share in life. Especially to refrain harmony. Masculine and feminine power are created to support each other, not to trespass one another.. Not to compete or to race in life achievement.. But to keep the balance.. So we live in powerful circle of life the best habitat to create better generation for brighter future..

It is still going on the way dream.. Loads of things need to be done in our land to make women and mothers living a happy life.. But this is the reason life worth living for me.. I promise to dedicate my life struggling in the battle to fight stupidity, poverty and ignorance.. I'm doing it by spreading awareness on the things that important for me on the best education process.. The need to share love and understanding.. And the ability to make priority scale in putting first things first and do what has to be done base on urge and need in life as human...

That's why I follow Bernhard's Blog ( I like the way He wrote about the fading of humanity on this planet and how he tried to build awareness about many things in human life. Money and power suck humanity from our lives to sustain certain people empire..

And what do we do, blame each other...?? So that we definitely  become part of the world's problem. Or become the agent of change and see ourselves as part of the solution..

Start by making our own life a better place to live on for the one inside us and for the people to live around us.. Please.. We do need to consider using our energy to support something better.. That at least giving our children hope on the existence of better tomorrow in this planet.. I listen to the song When The Children Cry by White Lion since teenage, and I do believe it.. Now I have 4 kids of my own and I do have the faith we still have hope on brighter future..

I owe that much to my children and theirs, as also to yours..

November 26, 2012

Jatuh Cinta Lagi, Pada Sejatinya Cinta...

“Kita ga pernah tau KAPAN, DI MANA dan BAGAIMANA kita bisa 'JATUH CINTA'.. Tetapi hanya kita yang dapat menentukan apakah CINTA itu kan jadi ANUGERAH atau MUSIBAH dengan segala potensi kekuatannya. Setiap saat kita BUTUH CINTA dan PERLU untuk selalu MENGHIDUPKAN CINTA..”

Status yang menghadirkan tulisan ini.

JATUH CINTA LAGI, sepertinya Too Good to Be True. Tiga kata ini bahkan sepertinya tabu untuk diucapkan sebagai keinginan untuk orang-orang seumurku, terlebih bagi yang hidupnya sudah memiliki setting rapi bersama keluarga dan lingkungannya, lengkap dengan segala kungkungan nilai yang dipelihara di dalamnya.

Tapi tidak dapat dipungkiri, kabarnya menjelang dekade keempat menghuni kehidupan ini, manusia umumnya mengalami Puber kedua. Saat itu dia akan merasa gelisah dan seperti butuh untuk jatuh cinta lagi. Apakah ini kemudian jadi pembenaran untuk 'Jatuh Cinta' lagi dengan obyek yang baru..?? Ataukah itu tanda waktunya telah tiba untuk berkenalan dengan 'Cinta Sejati' yang kan membawa kita pada 'Sejatinya Cinta'. Sesuatu yang jika kita miliki akan menjadi anugerah yang terindah dalam hidup ini...

Dulu waktu masa remaja kita mengalami proses jatuh cinta, di masa puber yang indah disebut cinta monyet itu. Sebetulnya keindahan itu bukan tentang dia yang kita cintai, lebih tentang indahnya perasaan kita sebagai remaja yang berani menyatakan ‘I’m in Love’ . Keindahan dalam masa puber itu adalah keindahan menemukan diri sebagai pribadi yang tumbuh dewasa dan mampu mencinta .

Sayangnya ketika kita yang mantan remaja tumbuh, dan masuk masa puber kedua koq kembali mengalami masa bentuk gejolak pubertas yang sama dengan di puber pertama. Jatuh cinta lagi ke obyek yang lain. Sehingga banyak orang yang terjerembab jatuh ke dalam kubangan cinta, hanya karena dorongan ketertarikan fisik pada objek lain yang harusnya sudah selesai pada masa puber pertama. Hal yang berpotensi menghadirkan musibah.

Gejolak puber kedua idealnya mampu menjadikan kita pribadi yang semakin dewasa dan semakin mampu mencintai. Karena saat itu waktunya kita berkenalan dengan Cinta Sejati, modal awal untuk menemukan wujud Sejatinya Cinta demi kebahagiaan yang hakiki.

Definisi Cinta Sejati dan Sejatinya Cinta mungkin tidak sama antara satu benak dengan benak yang lain. Karena Cinta adalah rasa yang begitu indah namun memiliki definisi yang amat beragam. Tetapi bagi diri ini, kunci untuk mampu menemukan Cinta Sejati dan bergerak mewujudkan Sejatinya Cinta yang mampu menghadirkan kebahagiaan hakiki dimulai dari mengenali cinta pada sejatinya diri kita. Learning to Love Our Selves is The Greatest Love of All..

“Aku menemukan cinta yang mengizinkanku mencintai sejatinya diri demi kemampuan untuk mencintai kehidupan dan memuliakannya karena dari sana kan kutemukan bahagia. Ketika diri mampu ikut menghadirkan bahagia bagi sesama..” .

Ketika kita belajar mencintai sejatinya diri. Maka saat itu kita kan mengerti, begitu besar kebutuhan diri kita untuk merasakan dan membalas CINTA Sang Pencipta. Hingga berusahalah kita untuk selalu dekat, dan gelisah ketika jauh dariNya. Membawa kita untuk mengenali di mana letak kekuatan kita dan apa peran kita dalam memenuhi panggilan semesta. CINTA ini jelas mampu menghasilkan bahagia yang hakiki. Karena hanya CINTA PadaNya yang mengejawantah, dapat beresonansi di Jiwa, hati dan pikiran sehingga timbul daya yang memiliki energi dahsyat untuk berbuat dan menghasilkan karya.

Ketika kita berusaha mewujudkan CINTA ini lewat meladeni semesta, maka mereka yang dihadirkanNya di hadapan kita adalah kehidupan yang perlu kita sentuh dengan CINTA. Sentuhan CINTA yang membangun dan memberdayakan. Cinta sejati mampu membuat kita mencintai kehidupan dan memuliakannya, saat itulah kita akan menemukan bahagia yang sesungguhnya, dengan menghadirkan bahagia bagi sesama. Sesuai dengan pesan semesta, alasan utama mengapa kita diciptakan.

Kabarnya Life Begins at Forty.. Aku berharap saat itu kita sudah memiliki CINTA SEJATI. Saat di mana kita sudah mengerti tentang makna Sejatinya Cinta, yang menghubungkan hidup kita dengan Sang Pencipta dan Kehidupan Semesta. Semoga di dekade keempat. Puber kedua kita membawa pada penemuan cinta yang baru...

Diriku sungguh ingin menemukan cinta yang mampu membuatku selalu merasa hidup dan berbahagia. Untuk itu kupikir, kita harus Jatuh Cinta Lagi. Kali ini harusnya pada Kehidupan demi mencari cara membuatnya Worth Living. Dan hidup ini benar-benar akan Begins at Forty...

Yuk kita Jatuh Cinta demi memperbaiki kualitas hidup kita dengan cara menebarkan sebanyak mungkin Cinta pada Kehidupan yang mampu menghadirkan cahaya ke setiap sudut gelap hati sesama yang membutuhkannya. Karena begitulah cara kita untuk merasakan dan membalas CintaNya, yang akan mengejawantah lewat tiap usaha melayani sesama dengan penuh cinta yang membangun dan memberdayakan. Sehingga di saat yang sama kita pun memperoleh kekuatan Cinta, dari manfaat menebarkan Cinta yang membangun kehidupan. Semoga kita mampu menemukan, menyimpan, menumbuhkan dan melestarikan CINTA SEJATI itu...


Bunch of Love,

Arifah H.

November 14, 2012

The Power of Happy Mom

Hidup itu sebuah perjuangan, bukan pengorbanan. Karena Perjuangan akan melahirkan Pejuang, sedang Pengorbanan akan melahirkan Korban...

Koq saya sangat yakin yaa Allah pasti mau semua Ibu berjuang memperbaiki kondisinya biar bahagia... Saya membayangkan bahkan Allah mungkin ikut menitikkan air mata manakala seorang Ibu yang diciptakanNya begitu sempurna, hingga diletakkanNya lah surga dibawah kakinya, kehilangan HAK untuk bahagia dan merasa pantas menjadikan dirinya korban...

Hati saya begitu perih ketika membaca betapa kisah hidup seorang Ibu di negeri ini begitu penuh berisi serangkaian kewajiban tanpa imbangan Hak yang pantas dari sekitarnya. Semua dilakoni seorang Ibu demi menggapai surga Allah. Tetapi mengapa hari-harinya masih juga terasa sepi, sunyi dan perih...

Sedang tugas Ibu memastikan sebuah generasi dididik dengan baik, bukanlah pekerjaan yang ringan. Terutama saat dia sadar tugasnya itu akan memastikan kehidupan tetap berevolusi dengan indah.. Ketika Rasul dan keluarganya sudah tiada lagi untuk memberikan contoh, sedang kisah2 hebat beliau begitu sulit diterapkan di masa kini dengan segenap 'gangguan' koneksi akibat globalisasi...

Sedang manusia adalah tempatnya cela dan salah. Bagaimana kita dapat terus belajar dari hidup kita sendiri demi proses evolusi yang indah, itu inti dari PERJUANGAN... Tanpa memikirkan pahala karena sudah BERKORBAN...

Hidup untuk berbahagia di saat ini, di dimensi waktu yang sekarang, bukan Kelak. Karena proses evolusi itu terus bergerak tanpa bisa dihentikan saat layar kehidupan terkembang dan mengalir di putaran waktu. Sementara syurga takkan pernah pergi dari tahtanya bahkan saat waktu berhenti dan kehidupan tenggelam...

Teman, Kita ada di sini, di lipatan waktu ini... Waktu kita dan anak2 tidak akan kembali.. Saya hanya memprovokasi untuk make the best out of it...

Apa yang kita lakukan pada diri kita sebagai Ibu... Apa yang kita lakukan pada orang lain... Dan apa yang kita biarkan orang lain lakukan pada diri kita... Itu adalah pelajaran untuk anak2... Ibu yang bahagia butuh mencintai dan dicintai...

Cinta itu sebuah pelajaran besar dalam kehidupan. Berisi uraian lengkap bagaimana cara kita mencintai dan menemukan keyakinan bahwa setiap kita berhak dicintai.. Pemahaman itu tersemai dan tumbuh dari rumah. Sebagaimana Allah mencintai kita, dariNya lah seharusnya kita belajar cara memelihara dan menyemaikan kehidupan dengan cinta...

Dari sekolah kehidupan, saya belajar percaya... Seorang Ibu yang yakin dirinya pantas dicintai dan mampu menemukan cinta tanpa syarat untuk pribadinya... Akan berhasil memberi pelajaran cinta dengan lebih baik ke seisi semesta.. Bukan hanya di rumahnya...

Karena perjalanan menemukan Cinta dan menggapai Bahagia adalah tentang Perjuangan bukan sekedar Pengorbanan... Jangan pernah lupa Heaven Help Those Who Help Themselves...

Selamat Berjuang...
Demi Cinta dan Bahagia...

*Sigh... Semoga...
Bunch of Love,

Arifah H.

October 25, 2012

I will Get There Someday...

Me... My Emotions... My Thought... My Need...
My Feelings... My Dreams... My Reality... My Life...

Sometimes all of those are circling around my mind,
my heart and my soul...

Give me loads of confusions, some happiness and sadness, 
some thrill, a bit frustration, a little anger and desperation. 
Yet they also bring hopes and lift me high...

But it was pretty hard to find peace of mind,
when I couldn't allow myself of wanting something that I can't get,
and the worst part is I can't stop myself of wanting it...

They just keep moving in circle...

I just know it will take the time,
but eventually,
I will get there someday...


October 23, 2012

How I Learn from My Own History...

Why do Human tend to believe one thing and do other thing...???
Is it because Human are created with a room to make mistake... ???

From this condition I learn to choose the best choice, with the wish to do it the right way.. Because in human heart and mind  there's always conflict of interest and voids to be fulfilled...

With the limitation of choices, I would do two things. Make more Options or arrange the priority of needs. At the end of the battle in our life we will find the answer. Which of our choice is the best and which is the worst, also which are in between...

So we have our story and wisdom to tell, that once upon a time we let ourselves fell over the cliff to the deep and dark place. We were survive, we managed to see the light, stood on our feet, and  started to find the path to climb up once again. And the most important thing of this story is ... We could leave a trail...

I guess, that's how human should learn from their history. And live a better life...

October 22, 2012

Tentang Perempuan dan Potensinya...

Perempuan sejatinya perlu selalu punya Awareness untuk Eksis. Sekalipun dia sudah menjadi isteri dan ibu, dia punya hak dan kewajiban untuk memelihara existence track-nya...

Dalam rotasi bumi... dalam evolusi kehidupan...dalam tasbih semesta... rumahnya hanyalah satuan terkecil di alam semesta... tapi dirinya adalah bagian dari seisi dunia...

Sesungguhnya pada setiap potensi perempuan, ada hak semesta untuk menuai manfaatnya... Ada tanggung jawab pada setiap pengetahuannya... Ada mutiara kehidupan yang fasih mengalir dari tutur katanya... Ada sejarah dunia baru yang lebih baik akan dituliskan oleh tangan halusnya...

Suatu Bangsa akan Bangkit atau Terpuruk sangatlah bergantung pada kehidupan perempuannya... Dari rahim mereka akan terlahir generasi penerus yang kuat...

Apa jadinya bangsa yang perempuannya terpinggirkan dari pesatnya arus kehidupan...???

Teman, tanyakan pada wajah yang kita tatap setiap hari di dalam cermin... Sudahkah aku mengambil peran yang paling cocok untuk berbakti pada semesta...???

"I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways
And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself,

Then Make A Change..."
~ MJ

October 20, 2012

Tentang Emosi Negatif...

Pastikan... Kita menemukan Inner Strength sejati di dalam diri... Sebelum berpikir untuk menjadi ibu yang 'berhasil' mengatasi segalanya dengan cerdas intelektual, emosional dan spiritual... Karena meski bijak itu pilihan... Jangan sampai kita harus jadi orang lain supaya mampu selalu memilih untuk bersikap 'bijak'...

Mengakui emosi-emosi negatif yang muncul di dalam diri a
kan mempermudah kita untuk menemukan cara mengatasinya... Hal ini lebih bermanfaat daripada memaksa diri untuk selalu 'in control' karena ingin memberi predikat cerdas emosi pada diri sendiri... Sebaliknya mengatur perasaan pada gilirannya akan membuat hati kita kehilangan kemampuan sejatinya untuk mengenali rasa dalam diri, menumpul dan kebas... Seperti komentar teman-teman yang mulai kehilangan cara untuk merasa bahagia... Been there done that... I felt nothing but numb and dying inside...

Akui pada lingkungan kalau kita butuh waktu untuk sendiri/bernafas/time out... Karena sedang 'marah'...'sedih'...'kecewa'...'tertekan'... 'terluka'... dsb dst..
. Boleh sejam dua jam.. sehari...bahkan seminggu... Itu bukanlah suatu kelemahan... Untuk menyatakan kita sedang punya konflik dengan diri sendiri sebagai hasil dari konflik dengan lingkungan terdekat...

Cerdas emosi tidak berarti kita bisa menggunakan akal untuk mengatur hati tentang apa yang harus dirasakannya... Tetapi lebih kepada kita bisa mengakui-mengerti-menerima yang sesungguhnya dirasakan dalam hati dan menggunakan akal untuk mencarikan jalan keluar yang terbaik dari konflik yang ada...

Misalnya seperti mengakui kalau tengah kecewa... Daripada mengatakan pada hati, "Alah itu masalah kecil kenapa harus dibesar-besarkan..?" lebih baik kita bertanya pada hati... "Kecewa yaa, kira-kira apa sih sebabnya...?? Apa yaa yang bisa kulakukan untuk mengurai kecewa dan meredam dampaknya...??" Sambil berpikir keras action apa yang kita butuhkan untuk mengembalikan keseimbangan 'rasa' dalam hati...

Begitulah kita belajar dari kesalahan dan konflik yang terjadi dalam diri, tanpa mempersalahkan lingkungan eksternal... Karena pada dasarnya hidup adalah perjalanan untuk terus belajar... Tujuannya supaya kita berakhir dalam kondisi terbaik dan mampu memetik buah perjalanan berupa rasa bahagia karena selalu ada proses yang bergerak setiap hari mendekati tujuan...

"No body is Perfect...
But every single one of Us
always want Perfection…
Let's help Ourselves by realizing,
that all we could do to be perfect is dealing
with our imperfection, perfectly…"

Tentang Aku dan Pemilik Hidupku

Hingga detik ini Aku masih sangat yakin... Bahwa Akal, Hati dan Jiwa kita sudah dibekaliNya peta dan kompas, sejak ruh ditiupkan ke dalam jasad kita...

Seandainya saja dalam setiap situasi kita bisa selalu yakin Sang Pemilik Hidup selalu ada untuk menunjukkan jalan dan mengajarkan pada kita semua hal yang perlu kita ketahui untuk terlaksananya tugas spesifik dan

peran unik Kita di semesta. Alasan utama kenapa kita sebagai pribadi diciptakan. Tidak seorangpun di dunia ini lebih baik dari kita untuk melaksanakan tugas dan peran itu. Ambil term dari wallnya Mba Zha, No One is YOUER than YOU...

Sayang ada kebutuhan sosial di lingkungan kita untuk harus selalu merasa seragam dengan sekeliling, takut tampil beda, ragu jika sendirian dst. Kondisi ini sering mengacaukan transmisi transfer knowledge antara kita dan langit yang kecepatan dan kejernihan pertukaran datanya sangat tergantung pada kedekatan hubungan privasi kita dengan Sang Pemilik Hidup.

Dia hadir dengan segala Kebijaksanaan dan Pengetahuan... KeberadaanNya dalam diri setiap manusia akan lebih dari cukup daripada Mentor manapun di muka Bumi...

Buat Aku kuncinya cuma satu Yakin kalau Dia ADA dan DEKAT... Yakin juga kalau Dia MENGERTI dan SAYANG... Dia bukan Algojo yang siap mempenalti kita dengan Death Sentence...Syurga atau Neraka... Bukan Juga manusia yang suka hitung untung rugi Pahala dan Dosa se simpel 1+1 = 2...

PERCAYA dengan SEPENUH hati.. Segala sesuatu dibiarkanNya terjadi untuk satu alasan... Dan alasan itu pasti harus memuat pelajaran dan hikmah kehidupan bagi setiap yang berakal...

Aku juga masih belum habis pikir dengan orang yang begitu takut dengan suara hatinya sendiri... yang yakin bahwa tidak semua perintah Allah bisa diNalar oleh manusia... Padahal manusia adalah ciptaan yang paling sempurna...

Sejak tahun 2009 ketika pikiran ini pertama kali masuk di diri hingga detik ini aku masih Yakin bahwa Perpaduan Akal-Hati-Jiwa manusia yang senantiasa memiliki koneksi bebas hambatan dengan Source-nya adalah kekuatan terbesar di muka bumi...

Bukan karena manusia itu hebat... Tapi karena manusia seharusnya adalah satu-satunya makhluk yang mengerti apa maksud iada DAYA dan KEKUATAN selain dari DIA Sang Pemilik Kehidupan untuk senantiasa hidup dalam keaadaan benar-benar hidup di Dunia...

(Re-Written from Fitri Abassuni Comment Box.. )

My Feminine Power...

I'm created as a woman with My Feminine Power,
but somehow I fail to use it...

Mostly because I force to use it by imitating
and competing the men masculine power...

Reclaim Feminine Power is about admitting,
accepting and understanding
my own deepest feeling as a woman...

The Feminine power is more about giving my heart
the freedom to feel...
So that I urgently need to stop having my mind
telling the heart what to feel...

Then my mind should help my heart
to find out what to do with my feelings
in the most logical way possible...

Since I found the fact about this feminine power,
I declare my self to stop being smart and wise,
and now I do my best looking for happiness...

I start listening carefully to my truth on what I want and need
rather than thinking loudly about other people's truth...

Now I believe my truth is always the truest truth for me
and my heart will always tell me which truth is the one I need...

As long as I have my inner strength work for me
and keeping me closed and connected with The Source
in crystal clear transmission access...

That's how I reclaim the feminine power
of being the happy real me...

So Heaven Helps...

October 18, 2012

For All The Women in The World...

Do you realize that we all are created beautifully and it is our destiny to be so Lovely... We all deserve to love and be loved...

Once upon a time my marriage feels like hell when I realize I have never got the Love I deserve... And I was so angry with my family.. Because I've been loving them with all my life.. I gave my youth to them but then I felt they refuse to give me the love that I need...

But then I realized something... I failed to feel the Love, it is not only their fault... It is mine too..

Because somehow, I failed to show them how I want to be loved... I failed to make them learn and understand how I need to be loved...

So I look in deep within me... And find out what I really want and need in this life... Then I understand what my family should do to give me what I want and need... So I can start to make them see, as I see what is important for me... What I want and need to be exist  in my life... Also what kind of life that I really dream of, not only as a mom and wife... But mostly as one complete woman..

That's the journey of finding and to be found...That's how I understand... We will make all people love Us by doing only one thing... Be ourselves and love us the way we are...

Notice our strength and admit our weakness and limits.. We should use the strength to make us grow more beautiful.. Then we can use our weakness to learn how to live the life in better way... Then we can measure our limits and start to make a breakthrough.. So no more limits.. We are on our way to the top of the world, go beyond our horizon...

No body is Perfect... But every single one of Us always want Perfection… Let's help Ourselves by realizing, that all we could do to be perfect is dealing with our imperfection, perfectly…

October 11, 2012

How Feminine and Masculine Power are United in Sex...

I should say thank you to those who shared dating experience with me and talked about their relation in real life. Their experiences strengthen my understanding, that sex need more feelings than just lust, as relationship need to go a bit further before touching the real sex ground. I'm thinking of one topic that I haven't got chance to discuss it out loud, over and over,  to post here in my blog. But a forum discussion on sex and spirituality had brought this out immaturely a few months ago…

I extremely believe that God Must Be Sexy because He create one beautiful way to keep human race from extinction. As Male and Female created with sexuality power in their Feminine and Masculine default factory setting to  perform reproduction duty on earth.

Feminine and Masculine power are united in sex, which is originally created with main action to produce children. But then again The God must be Sexy to allow Us having very sexy feeling in performing that duty. They also come in a very thrilling and beautiful direction order. Then, somehow human mind create so many additional guiding book on this assignment.

Until today human found a way to enjoy that sexy task without producing human baby with a tool called contraception. This is a big breakthrough in human science for human race which then allowed sex to become another biological need just like air, water and food in human life. 

Suddenly we no longer need family to have sex, more over nowadays we can even have sex without real relationship between male and female. We don’t need to be husband and wife to have sex like in the old days, we don’t even have to be lovers or have the feeling of love to have sexual relation. 

Suddenly my vocabulary notice new funny terms like friends with benefit, fuck buddy and leghumper! What a big breakthrough for my traditional way of thinking as an eastern woman. And from what Uncle Google provide for my understanding this breakthrough is responsible in what so called a sexual chaos in the world.

I would think this fact cause a downfall in many marriage life, because somehow in this jet era there are still people who has old way of thinking even in their legal commitment about healthy sexual relation. They do have every right to perform all the activity in a sex relation provided by the vow of marriage but never really use it at the most.  

So too bad the marriage then fail in giving the male or the female in it a healthy sex relation. That definitely can create an unbalance life for the married couples. And as the balance grow out of control they start to find what they need in other place. The masculine and feminine power start to get lost in fulfilling their basic need for healthy sex relation.

Every mature male and female deserve to have the healthy sexual relation. The level of it is measured by how close those two power are attached to each other. We can always touch the person we have sex with physically but it requires more attachment to really touch the spirit, so body and soul can be blended in sexual interaction.

As a traditional woman, I believe one of the most important ingredient of body and soul connection in sex is love. As sure as the sun need to rise every morning, we do need love to create a happy family. But since now we can have sex without family, then it is possible for any of us to have sex without love, simply just to fill our biological need.

Then my questions out of this situation are :
- Will that sexual relation quench all the thirst and hunger in every single masculine and feminine power who experience this action…???
- Or in the other hand this sexual exploration without love tend to leave a void in human balance even more…???
I'm an overly romantic female who is addicted to love. I wish I can assure me that sex is a perfect act of love, come only to bring more closeness when two people in love, as their souls become one.

I can't imagine having sex without being in love with the very person I am involved in sexual relation with. Like I would rather not eat without appetite. I just wish to live this life at the most with full capacity, as I wish to love with full intensity

Like Bon Jovi said :

“It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just wanna live while I'm alive
It's my life

This is for the ones who stood their ground
For Tommy and Gina who never backed down
Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake
Luck ain't even lucky
Got to make your own breaks…”

October 5, 2012

Do you know...???

Till the day I take my last breath,
this smile will always want to be with you..


Would you please step closer,
so my restlessness could go away..

Will you stay a little bit longer,
so this weariness would subside..

Could you hold my hands for a while,
so the smile will kiss away my tears,
and the wound felt less painful..

Then the wings of hope will spread and start flying
as the winning song is soaring in the air
then the serenity will take over the soul
and float in the real peace of mind...

When all become one in silence
as the memories of yesterday are merged
and create the dream of better tomorrow…

September 25, 2012

A Never Ending Journey of Learning...

Every time I thought I have learned so much..
do you know what I got...???

Again, I realized on...
how little that I have known
how could there still so many much more that I don't understand
how I need loads more of further learning....

Then I understand that even until the day I die
I must believe...

I am born to learn
that my path of living in life
is a never ending journey of learning..

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”

September 24, 2012

My Destiny is to Fly...

My heart is the sky,
Can feel love as wide as the horizon...

My heart is the sea,
Can save love as deep as the ocean...

I'm The Eagle,
My Destiny is to Fly...

I'm The Dolphin,

If I can't Swim The Blue Ocean
Should I believe I am Alive...

Wish the past give Us wisdom
to step on better future..

Wish the present give Us courage
to reach the highest dream..

Wish the future provide Us with the clue
to make the dreams come true..

September 23, 2012

Everyone are Equipped with Their Own Devils

I've been through hell, dealing with the devil and dying inside,
but then I managed to really stand up
after I crawled my way back alive…

That's how I believe I have the job to find
that heaven must be a place on earth
as the way I saw hell is…

Sometime We are all just put in the wrong place..
doing the wrong things, at the wrong moment for the wrong reason...

As I am but I have the need to reverse that...

Everyone are equipped with their own devils to deal with,
Sometime we need to be crashed, scattered and torn apart,
So we can be integrated as we try to rebuild...
Sometime we just feel so neglected and ignored ,
When our beauty, knowledge, passion, talent and energy are wasted
This definitely can cause a brain damaged and a soul bruised...

There we will really need a shortcut,
Maybe like a Frog Prince..?
Who can give a brand new life over single kiss..

But The Universe is always a fair place,
When people who live next to us can't hardly be a helping heart..

The Universe will send the right people for doing the right thing at the right moment
They would help us at any situation we are in a very surprising way..

All we have to do is believing that even in a storm we will find some light..

"'Knowing You're beside me... I am all right..."
~ Looking through the eyes of love - Nikka Costa

September 10, 2012

Sexy and Heaven...

"Sexy = Hot.. Heejab = Beautiful..
That's why hell is hot and heaven is beautiful.."

I read that somewhere.. Over and over... And dis agree...

For me... Sexy is not always about showing skin..

The way we smile,
and the look in our eyes..

The way we think,
and the way we hold our head high..

Can be sexy..

Now I realize
Sexy is a blessed feeling
and nothing dirty about that..

Life is so full of very creative actions
Being sexy is one of them..

If we would manage to think
heaven can be a place on earth

We should start realizing
we won't make that happen
unless we can have heaven
inside our mind, heart and soul..

You know what...
Being sexy can feel like heaven..

September 3, 2012

Love... (Again... Can't Help It...)

Only when we can really love Ourselves
We can find the right way to love other..

We don't need reason to love
We just love.. Period...

It is never a crime to Love...

Love is not only about giving.. 

Love is about quality of life.. 

Love should bring an improvement to our life 

and to the life of the one we love..

Love is always about sharing the life and make it complete 

As the beauty of love can make our life really worth living..

Please Smile...!!! Let The Magic Happens...

I saw this picture in another site... I must admit, I feel terrible about this one...

According to my opinion as a dreamer, who wish to live in a better world...
This sign should have said...

"Please Smile...!!! Let The Magic Happens..."

A friend told me that people believe the theory behind this is, if you smile at strangers they may get the idea that "you like them" or "gain their attention" then you put yourself at risk - as they may approach you." Rather, you are not supposed to look at people or better to keep your head down. Another friend told me, it is not so easy to smile if you don't know somebody, how can you trust people if you even don't understand their languages.

But I could only say I smile to strangers... So what...?I love to see the look in people eyes when I go anywhere, I would know when to smile as I watch the look on their eyes. Doesn't matter if they were males, females, younger or older, or even a baby kid. And it feels good when they return the smile in polite manner. And a smiling baby kid can really make my days brighter.
Well I do believe that I'm a very lovable person, I never even make a stranger kid turn around and run away. At least they throw me a curious as they look at my smile.

What a shame to loose a smile just because I'm a stranger. What a great lost on other people side if they restrain themselves from smiling at me. Why would one think I may put them at risk in any kind of form, if they ever smile at me. Why would one think negative of people they have just met.

I believe, if I see you on street and you smile at me I would be gladly smile back at you. Even if You then have the need to 'approach' me. Will you ever throw anything bad...???

The sign above, show us how the insecurity in human race is already in the crack level. They tend to believe more in their fear then the kindness of the heart which possibly urge other heart to do nothing but another kindness. And no matter what language you speak, smile is always the phrase everybody understand.

I live in the world where other people think oppressing me and corrupting my freedom a lot. But I can always take the liberty to smile. So, Smile...!! We never know, the smile may start a chain reaction to a life fortune. Even a Simple Friendship is one life great fortune...

Smile to Strangers...!!! Why Not...???

I always have freedom to smile at any kind of people and thank God I'm still in one piece until today. Because, I believe... Every body will never had enough of friend in life. Especially a friend like Me..

Keep Smiling and Shining to The Wor


Love has many form..

Love can be transmitted
in wider spectrum than sound..

Love has more color than rainbow,
spread in the speed of light..

Love will never provide a direct
and easy answer for our questions..

Love just open the door
and recharge our energy
in the most amazing way..

I will love to love..
I will miss the missing..

So the echo of those feeling can shake the deepest corner of my heart..
And the vibes will let the weaken heart to be awaken and beats stronger..

July 19, 2012

Heaven and God Work...

Things happen for a reason
Even the difference of people Belief
in Heaven and God...
I was born on the land where heaven is Sacred...
I was raised to believe there is One Supreme Creator...
I was taught to learn all my life that Religion is a part of life...

So it is so natural if I often write
about Heaven and God...

How do Heaven and God works...
Are they only sit there and watch,
as in this planet there are still lots of people suffer,
many animal are slaughtered, and trees are burned...

I do believe Heaven and God works through people heart,
By touching the souls of human living in this world..

A Human is consisted of Mind, Heart and Soul connection..

We do believe there's soul inside Our body...
As I grow older I can feel my soul is so easily touched...
Proven by the tears that now can easily roll down to my face...

The soul is touched if we see innocent people slaughtered.. friends getting
sick... having bad day...or just being abuse by other verbally...

That's the way Heaven and God work..

The touched soul will order the heart to feel
and then the heart will urge the mind to take action
Make decisions to do something good
Then we just jump out of our own comfort zone

Heaven and God help Us to get easier way
in helping the living get a better way of life...

I am a believer, this is my thought...
You don't have to agree with me...

But I do believe I am created to play my role in this universe
Doing my part as I do the best thing I can like writing
With good intention and whole heart passion..

Heaven and God Helps, I saw it and believe it...
Without A Single Doubt...

To Be or Not To Be

To Be or Not To Be That's The Question...
Agree Not To Agree Maybe The Answer...

For all the case worth any Debate...
Use Argument base Discussion...
Believe what We believe,
because We learn about everything We need to believe...
Not because We follow or duplicate what other do...

Choose whatever Our preference leads Us to,
Use the strength of heart, mind, and soul to find the right answer...

Google Helps..!!!

And Heaven answer all The Cry for Helps
by giving the right choice...

Remember Heaven only Helps those
who tries to help themselves..

July 2, 2012

The Name on My Screen

"Hey You, The name on my screen..!!!"

Yes You, Dear.. Where have you been..?? It has been quite a while since the last time I read you on my screen.. Call me stupid, but do you know..? I have spent a bit too much of my precious time just to think of you.

Well, I know I may just another name on your screen that happened to touch you in unique way that sent tickles to your soul, heart, mind and even nerves, in the same way as you gently touch all of mine too.

We really did spent some enjoyable moments together, only by sending words to each other for quite a lot of time.  And the time finally allow us to start using the sweet words of love in life which eventually made  me addicted to you.

We have said thousands of meaningful words to each other. We share our thoughts, stories, feelings, spirits and passions towards life. Those words probably just another words on screen for you. But for me those words can struck my whole being and gave me the feelings I never thought could have existed again in my time line.

You may be just the name on my screen, but you made a smooth way to the center of my inner being. Although I must say you are not the only one in my heart, but you are definitely staying here. Claiming some space and giving wonderful feelings. Sometime it was so strong made me riding a high tide of wonderful joy, other time it flew gently like a cool breeze filling me. Sometime it is so sharp and aching, especially when things went wrong.

The words on the screen were coloring the days with rainbow in my real life, because I really feel it. As this moment your absence dig a big hole in me. Makes me worry with anticipation of your well being.

You may be just the name on my screen, but I save some real feelings for you. I am the name on your screen who has real love for you.

I do believe the feelings that I have, deserve me to sit by your side at the time of needs. I have the right to hold your hands and hug you just to share comfort. I really wish to see that your life tastes better with me in it.

Dearest Name on My Screen...
It is absolutely your choice to keep or stop sending words to me. But please put this in the back of your heart and mind, I do have the need to read more from you. It is not fair to leave me not knowing what is going on with your life after all this while.

I am just a name on your screen who loves you, beyond anything that may happen in my real life and in this funny cyberspace world where words and feelings can travel in quantum leap. I believe at least I have the right to say the exact words in my prayer for your life.

June 21, 2012

The Story of My Broken Heart

There is always time in life when we feel that things are really getting out of hands. So hard for us to cope and accept the hectic situation that come in to our body, heart, and mind all at one sequence. Giving the burden that seems too heavy for us to lift at the very moment. It is not about the Burden, but more about how I react on that Burden that make the difference...

This magnificent story started with my temporal poor health issue, then came several conditions to my feelings given by people who close to my heart which unfortunately almost impossible to ignore, while at the same time my hands must sort out piles of delayed house works that amazingly multiplied to tons in no time waiting for my recovery, meanwhile I always have  souls to nurture and hungry mouths to feed and last but not least in my list an online paper job must be done soon because an email was coming and gave a “deadline” signal.

I didn’t really notice how it happened but some hours just flow off my day and ‘gosh..!’ the sun suddenly sets. I smile for the coming big boss, thought I would get more hands to help but my smile last only for some split seconds because as he rolled in some of the souls in the house got him furious. Then  ‘pooff..!’ that make me felt like a flatten tyre. I lost the ability of speaking because of the big crack in my heart, I was broken hearted…!!!

My Friend call this is a toilet day (thanks for the term Buddy, I owe you one..!!), where all the shit is just gathering around me and I couldn't flush. Give me overwhelmed feeling and the need to explode. But the flat tyre didn’t give me the energy to go crazy and yell furiously like always. I just sat there in silence felt so weak but totally bumpy inside, then I could only burst in tears and couldn’t hardly do anything at all, simply just trying to keep breathing in rhythm so I got my energy recharged bit by bit not much until I had enough to do one thing at a time.  

First thing in my mind was writing out my feeling online, just the words ‘broken hearted’ but it  worked like an SOS signal, some souls reached out from thousands of miles away sending words of courage and strength, ‘thank you, that was a real heart lifter…!!’.  Then still sobbing in silence I finished the house work, no one dare to speak to me at that moment but  I believed all the souls in the house notice what was going on with me. As I tried to gain my inner peace they stepped in handing their hands to help and I simply felt aloooot better. And try to write those moments in my blog when I got stolen time online :

A Broken Heart

When all I can do is sit in the silence,
keep breathing, accept and let go...

Tears that rolling down to me are my only best friend,
meanwhile they are all I got to sooth the pain...

Wishing every breath I take will bring me closer
to my inner peace and bring the balance back to me... 

So my dearest blog reader… It is not my habit to write about negativity on my blog. But today I learn from a friend's blog that when we actually are trying to cope with any negativity happened  in our life, and somehow we can take the control back in our hands, that experience is worth telling. In this case I got my own control by getting my inner peace and self balance back, this feels so good. Unless I wont be able to write this note at all.

If things got out of control, just sit in silence and breath, hold the moment for a while. At that very moment I remember someone remind me of words I really love to say in my pray...

“ Dear God.. Please grant me the strength and courage to change all that can be change, bless me with the resilience and patience to accept things that cant be change, and please give me the knowledge and wisdom to see the difference….”

May 20, 2012

Life is A Journey...

Life is A journey of Nature
totally full of ups and downs,
but it will always change and stabilize constantly...

As long as we have the commitment
to keep on growing and moving forward,
for the better life till the last breath we take...

The open mind, loving heart, and clear soul
they are our tools to make the life worth living...

Let's hold on our faith to believe in today's gift
and the hope for better tomorrow...

May 16, 2012

Words of Love...

"It's only words,
and words are all I have,
to take your heart away..."
~ Boyzone

Beautiful love words are the fragrance of life
that can keep me breathing the fresh air of love..

Heaven gives me words
to touch as many heart
that I can reach from here..

Writing those words,
Telling the world on what is ticking in my mind
and whispering the truth on what is hiding in my heart
make me dancing gracefully with the music of my life

That is how my heart and mind flying
and in that way I watch my soul growing..

With Beautiful Words of Love I fulfill my duty to SHINE..

May 5, 2012


"Do you know that Age do nothing to Us
except let Us grow more beautiful...???"


Many of us are afraid that age can make us worn out
and somehow sucking the quality out of our life…

After growing for almost 37 years in life
and giving the best years in my life
to nurture 4 little life at home
I thank God for letting me
believe  and understand one fact

It is not the age that keep reducing the quality in our life…

All the worn stuff is caused by our choices in life,
Like fat body, weary brain, tired heart and broken soul ...

This is mostly happen because once we become an adult
and our bodies stop growing
then come the thought  
that it is time for degenerating...

While actually,
We will never be degenerated
if We let the life in us keep on growing
and never stop moving...

Now I come to the choice for my self :

Let the wrinkle on my face
and the white hairs in my head
be the only prove that I'm getting old...

I will keep the rest
 as fast and
as sharp
as I can always be...

May 4, 2012

Feeling Sexy...

Feeling sexy is not always about having a barbie size body, pretty face, great hair hanging, nor about having a pair of delicious tits to show... (doesn't those with breast cancer still have the right to feel sexy..??)

Feelings sexy is more about the chemistry you have inside.. The fire that keep Your flame alive.. Also about the heart that feels good about the body and find sexuality as a gift... Regardless the shape or the look... If we are happy with what we have and love us the way we are, then we can always feel sexy...

Feeling sexy is definitely not about painting some lipstick on our perfect curved lips... It is more about how we wear our smiles everyday... The more it came from our heart, the sexier we will feel about ourselves...

Feeling sexy is more about words we tell ourselves... If we give ourselves only the best positive words, then other will receive the radiance of how sexy we are loud and clear... The more positive words we give ourselves, the more energy we can share to other... Eventually that energy will return to us and energize our lives...

Feeling sexy is not only about physical attraction... The heart, mind and soul play great role there... All we have to do is connect and activate them all in our one beautiful and sexy figure and spread the energy to the world...

Feeling Sexy is one of great ways to Be Alive... For I do feel sexy and love myself so much...

Bunch of Love, Stay Sexy...

April 15, 2012

Love, Respect and Choices in Life...

Love and Respect is not something We can't force other to give,
We must earn that...

We have to love and respect Ourselves
and mostly The People around Us...

That's the way We gain that love and respect back...

Life is always about choices,
How we love and respect Ourselves or Others
is depend on how we make choices in life...

Before We state Our choices
We Must be :

Aware of what we want and need...
Aware of what we will become...
Aware of what we have to be...

As we walk our path to fulfill our true destiny,
The one particular reason why we are created on earth...

March 20, 2012

Something About Marriage...

People said :

"Everybody is not complete until the marriage,
to get married is about commitment
to spent the life together
and complete each other life...

My friend ask me :

If a marriage is about commitment
to spent the life together and complete each other life.
Why some people are married
but think otherwise and do cruel things...??

My Answer :

Because it takes two to marry,
and it takes a lot more than that
to make marriage worked...

Also there's always the temptations
and some people around
that may hi-jack the marriage journey...

And as some people think,
all people have the right
to be happy and feel ALIVE..

Sometime it's very hard to stay married and feel Alive,
especially when marriage suck The Life out of You,
instead of complete Your Life...

That's why some people Need to Make 'The Change'
and think that They 'Really' need Something New in their Life
to prevent them from 'Dying Inside'...

You can not claim this kind of effort Cruel,
because they just refuse to be buried Alive...

Only sometime it's so hard
to find 'The Right Way'
for getting out of this situation...

And to make things even uglier,
some people who received the SOS signal
tend to take this for granted,
and reacted to it just for fun or worse...

But The Best Thing in Life is, God Never Falls Asleep...
He answer every Pray and Cry for Help that People Send
And Give 'The Right Way Out' for them...

March 15, 2012

All The Kids are Gifted...

There's no such gifted kids,
because they are all gifted...

We just have to reveal,
which gift that each of them have...

Connect and activate that Gift to their life
That's Our Challenge as Parents...

We can't really help them there
Unless we already have our own gift
connected, activated and integrated
in Our Lives...

Where are we...???

March 13, 2012

About The Darkness and The Storm in Life

This one is for My Twin Lita Ariani...

She wrote :
"It is not when the sky is bright.
It is when the sky is getting darker,
a star seems to appear.
Giving its light and beauty to decorate the sky..."

I will never forget the darkness
when we built this piece together, Dear...
As I always believe...

The Darkness only come to make
The Stars in us twinkling...

Sometime The Stars refuse to twinkle
when there is black shadow of clouds in the sky...

But We have to keep moving on
because in Us there is the power to dare the cloud
to make the storm coming and sweep the shadow away...

We all know life is about choices...

We can always choose waiting for
the storm to pass with patience

Or We would rather have
the courage to step outside
and dance in the rain with passion..

Choose one that serve Us the most,
which can make only the best out of Us...

March 7, 2012

Beautiful is Everything in Us...

Somebody wrote...

"Everything is beautiful,
but beautiful isn’t everything..."

I just thought…

Everything can be beautiful,
if we think of everything beautifully
Especially when it come to Our own beauty...

Life is beautiful anyway…

So, Beautiful should be everything in Us...
No matter what other people may think...

March 4, 2012

The Highest Dream...

A Soulmate  wrote to me…
“Wish you reach your highest dream…”
Make me think of What is actually The Highest Dream…???

And suddenly I just wrote this…

The Highest Dream is the place where we meet our real destiny
 The one reason we are created here in the universe
As I always believe our destiny is written and rewrite
according to the way  we live our lives…

So The Highest Dream is likely expanding
There will be no certain point to reach
It is more about the journey to get there…

As Parents,
We want our children to reach their highest dream
But we must realize there is no way for  Us
to tell our children about the path to reach higher
unless  we have really been there..

So Let’s start to find the star in us
and walk our journey to reach The Highest Dream
before we help our children finding their own star
and walking on their own path to reach The Highest Dream

Please do help Us, God...

"Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high,
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true."
~ Jason Castro

February 21, 2012

Being Rich...???

I believe every single person in this planet wants to be rich
but not all of us get the luxury to have everything
one thing that I learn about Richness
it is not only materialistic need
we also need to feel rich within...

Now I know...

Being Rich is not only about taking
as much as you can from the world
or having all the luxury you want to have...

Being Rich is also about making our presence
an added value that matter for the world
in order to make it a better place to live on...

If we always think every second of the life we have
must bring richness to the world in our own unique way,
We will never ever think for one second
that We are not rich enough to be happy...

February 17, 2012

Being ALIVE...!!!

Being ALIVE is about learning how to dream
and knowing what we really want in life
as we start of all process to get the ability and the courage
in using all we got to get what we need...

Being ALIVE is about keeping the right kind of love
in our heart and soul at the optimum level of intensity
so we can make the best out of it...

Being ALIVE is about generating the great relationships
to work in our life so we are surrounded by the right people
who are ready to support us in many ways possible
to manage all our dreams really come true...

Being ALIVE is also about having the right doze
of endorphin and adrenaline everyday
that means get access of enough great time
and some bites of very sexy life experience

Let's Be ALIVE...!!!
Make this Life WORTH Living...!!!
Shall We...???

February 4, 2012

Heart of Mine...

"Sometime I just can't help but wonder,
If I could stop the hands of time..."|
~Bobby Caldwell

Heart is an awesome place...
It can be as deep as the ocean
and as wide as the sky...

Especially when you have special feelings growing there...

I can not control my heart on what I feel
I may only have control on what I'm gonna do about my feeling...

And for myself,
Because I don't really know how to control my heart
I must watch carefully every situation coming,
which potentially put me in a difficult condition,
by learning from every life lesson everyday...

"Oh Heart of Mine..."

January 31, 2012

When We Say Wait and See...

Heaven will help changing things
for people who try to change their life...

So We can only say wait and see,
after We have finished doing our part
in make a difference...
Then nothing more We can do except waiting,
for the final result to come...

We must have the strong faith
that new things will come for the best
and Better Tomorrow does exist...

Free Talkshow : Building a Smart Generation from Home..

Thank God...  I met My Old Buddy which has become a  Marketer Lady... She agree with My Mission that Parenting is a very serious matter in life... As parents We must hand in hand together in creating a better generation for the sake of Making The World a Better Place...

She invite me to speak on a talk show and start building a Parenting Club in her son's Kindergarten...

So for those Who are living round Jakarta Please Welcome to Our Smart Parenting with Love Talk show ... "Building a Smart Generation from Home.."

 The Talk show will be held Tomorrow :


Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Time, 08.30 - 10.00 am (GMT +7)

Take a Place at Al Mubarak Islamic Kindergarten
Jl Raya Ciledug, Jombang Pondok Aren,
South Tangerang

RSVP by phone : 02174862441

See You There...

January 30, 2012

A Little about True Happiness...

Happiness is always connected to how we maintain
the position of Love, Hope and Faith in Our Life
Connect them to our dreams and God Will
The very reason we are created on earth
and living the life that we have..

Happiness is not about money,
pretty face, knowledge, religion,
power and all human possession
that can distracted our way
to find the meaning of life..

Happiness is within..

It is about how we use all we got
to make the life worth living
and reach the ultimate meaning
of having the best life..

Life is So Beautiful...

When I can be happy of being who I am
and have dignity to be no more but no less
than just Me..

While I know all that I have got in life
can be used to get what I really want..

At this time I must have realized about My Own Need
and determine to reach higher to fulfill it..

Then I will try to make all people
who live around me accept
and love me for who I am..

Or they can choose to leave me alone
and let me just live my beautiful life
in my own way...

Universal True Lover

Love is universal
and belong to the real lover,
flows beyond physical,
even cross gender boundary...

Love travel in the speed of light,
leaping through the space and time,
make anyone who has it in their life
united under The Source...

Love is energy that fuel the life...
True Lover love unconditionally,
means Love fully without expectation,
for Love is always enough for Love...

So help me God to let The True Lover in me out..

January 29, 2012

Live for The Moment

Let go off the past
and set Our mind free from yesterday
and also from the future uncertainty...

Live for the moment
and make the best of it...

This is one of the direction
to find true happiness
that can make us shine...

That Love is Mine, Hopefully...

Love is around us to share,
but not to claim..

If at some point love claim the life,
then it is no longer love..

For love come to build the life,
never to destroy it..

Love is always enough for love
Human tends to complicate it
with too many senses emotionally..

Let's Choose Never Stop Growing

Life is so full of choices...

Choose to live the way We need it
Let people around Us learn and grow with Us
As We grow with them...

None of Us should stop growing
Let's live fully and be very much alive
Because We worth it...

So We can love the life with full intensity
and live it with full capacity...

Life is More Than About Making Fortune...

Sometime it feels so awful if We are not able to make fortune,
while We actually realize that We are worthy and deserve it,
But none of  Our Talent seems to get the chance to bring the money home...

Sometime this situation can make Us feel life is so unfair,
while We see people around Us can at least make something
that We couldn't...

But All the time I always try to remember,
that God never falls asleep...

He gives me this life for a reason
then I wish for the ability to see His reasons clearly
So I can always live in peace with what I am
and be happy for other people fortune...

Because Life is more than just about Making Fortune for Us to Live,
but it is about Making The Life We Have a Fortune for The Living...

Learn from Our Presence and Absence...

There is some point in life
when We really need to be disappeared...

So people can learn from Our Absence,
and appreciate Our Presence more...

Then they know...
that they should never leave Us alone
nor let Us down...

And eventually We can smile brightly
because finally Our feeling is matter for them...

January 27, 2012

Note for My Beloved Daughter in Her Birthday

by Arifah Handayani on Friday, January 27, 2012 at 11:13am

"For the loveliest teenage in the world...
My Dear Daughter Netta Seven-e
Happy 12th Anniversary...

Another year is added to your age
May God always add His Perfection in Your Life beautifully

Another year is reduced from your lifetime
May God always give Brightness to see all His Plan for You

So, there will never be a day wasted
Every single second that flies will give you meaning
As the lesson for the next journey
which can open all the secret
of Your true role before God for the universe
The very reason you are created

In every pray I whisper your name
May God always be there in every breath You take
Giving color to your blood flow
Sounding in your heart beat
Echoing your step to every where you go

I just want to give you the best escort
so you can find your own life
the way it is written in your own life scenario
as beautiful as you dance through every minutes of it

My dear daughter, please note this...

Your destiny is written and re-write
according to the way You live Your Life...

So, live this love and love it beautifully,
for all the best plan the universe could ever provide You
May You get only the greatest episodes in life...

Never know that time can travel so fast
and You are suddenly Slipping Through My Fingers... "

Slipping Through My Fingers - Meryl Streep - Lyrics

Wings of The Pheonix

The stars knew how long I've been wandering to find the heart that beats in tandem with mine.. The sun noticed how far I'd like to t...