January 10, 2016

Loyalty Towards The LIGHT...

The darkness only comes to those  who allow their Light Saber inside on. Loyalty towards this LIGHT will be tested within the worst pressure in LIFE...

Like a diamond, which gets crushed, exposed to the heat and everything, to allow every single sides of it shine, reflecting any light that comes upon this most valuable gem...

It is never the calm blue sky and the bright sunny sea that could train a greenhorn to be a sailor. It takes the wide spectrum of storms and all the wilderness an ocean could provide to naturally shape The Great Sailor...

It takes everything we are equipped inside to make our LIFE really worth living. So at the end of this adventurous LIFE we can proceed happily to the next journey towards the Infinite LIGHT and Beyond...

As we know for sure that all of the quality within the human in us, had been unlocked and used for the betterment of this tiny universe where we share this LIFE...

‪#‎RoadLessTraveled‬‪ #StarlightSeed #‎ThePowerofConscience 

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