December 26, 2021

Embracing The Existence Track

"Existentialism..." One keyword that I could pick out of the situation I recently faced. Why one should feel insecure because of the existence of others, apparently quite tight up in a way they embrace their own existence...

Knowing Life is not all the same with understanding Life, while understanding Life is only the beginning of fully embracing and living The Life. We can talk and discuss all we want about The Origin of Life, with all the theories and teaching surround it. But we will never get anywhere until we can fully grasp Our own Existence in The Origin of Life, and only by Getting The Life out of this existence we can Be Truly Alive and Kicking...
Speaking of Existentialism, I should agree with some world philosophers such Sartre and Nietzsche, who believed: Self-awareness and self-respect were the only way to know our own identity. They believed that personal evolution was necessary because things constantly changed. Life was always evolving. The only constant was a person’s responsibility to decide in the moment what they wanted to be and how they wanted to be it...
Self Existence is a privilege that belong to those who fully conscious of their awareness and respect towards The Life inside of themselves. Once we are embracing our Self Existence we would have the freedom and independence to take the liberty in being who we truly are...
Embracing our own self existence will lead us to walk our very own Existence Track, and revealing our authentic role there. Maintaining how we take responsibility to play our role in the entire system of universal metabolism, is the key to unlock our Life mission and activate our true power...
Being True to ourselves means being Honest to whatever exist inside our internal system that built upon The Authentic Self within. Once we get there, we wouldn't want to get distracted by the external noise, no matter how loud it is. If the external noise couldn't get along with our internal system, we will choose to shut them out or simply walk away...
If we have a problem in accepting those who has come to this level of awareness and respect towards their own existence in Life, most probably we haven't embraced our own existence in the most authentic way... Dig down deeper to find where we got distracted and trapped somewhere away from our own Existence Track. And the only way OUT from there is going IN...
Have a great reason for Rebirth,
Happy Re-Born...

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