December 31, 2013


Last year I wrote... 
I promise myself, 2013 will full of Win-win solutions... Best Agreement... Negotiations... and Achievements... that will make me really happy as a woman, mom and the citizen of universe...

For I finally see that happiness is in Me, all I need is look  in and take it out.. I will start by understanding my need and describing how I want to fulfill them.. Then I will continue by drawing the shapes of my own happiness and color them with rainbow... That's how I plan to paint my life...

And also since life is so full of ups and downs, I urge myself to decide how I want to handle the sadness and sorrow in my life.. As I switch the impact of all pain I feel, from the one that hurts me to the one that change me... Cause the wound that couldn't kill me, will definitely make me grow stronger if I allow it to heal completely...

I will stop playing as an object, who will need other to kiss away my sadness and sorrow... It is time to stop being the passenger of my own life vessel... I will learn to be the subject who has the authority to navigate the  way and decide the direction to go... Although I can't always be the driver...

At this new beginning, I make myself another promise :

I will never again waiting for the storm to pass, because in 2011 and 2012,  the life let me learned an important lesson about dancing in the rain till the sun shine again.. The brand new day will always come with the new rainbow of life and better tomorrow does exist if we try hard enough...

In less than 6 hours 2013 will end in my timezone. I don't really have more resolution to make, maybe sticking on what I had last year by doing an honest evaluation will establish a totally brand new days in my tomorrow. Perhaps, I want to add something that I wrote in one of my latest blog.
“I just wanna stay in love with the woman in me…”

So, I would do anything to make her happy. Especially in keeping the sparkling fireworks in my heartbeats flamed in any ways it takes. Even if sometime I have to go completely nuts and act totally crazy in doing so.

Finally I believe, before I can love others I need to be sure that I have already been planting enough love for the life inside me, unconditionally. So, I can keep my promise to love the life with full intensity, as I dedicate my life to live with full capacity.

Let’s continue to have a regular journey to the inner part of our being and find the true love inside, get it out and be ready to plant the seed of love that will make us blossom eternally, every where we go.

Wishing you all happiness and the best out of the coming year...
With all the love, laugh, light, peace and harmony that we deserve..

Bunch of Love,

December 27, 2013

Stay in Love with The Woman in Me...

A single Mom who often call herself nerdy and geeky - because she is a science and physics teacher - ask me on yesterday chat, when we discuss about falling in love... 

"How do you keep the love alive in your marriage...?" 

My marriage has been going through many storms,  and still on the way to survive this last blast. The only thing that hold us together is the belief that we are growing to be a better person everyday.   

We believe that the happy family is the only place where everyone should grow to be the best of themselves. Although honestly we don't know for sure where we are heading yet, the hope for better tomorrow allow us to keep the faith that  we are on the right track by now. 

So I could only say to this special friend...

"I just try to stay in love with the woman in me. So I would do anything to make her happy, include by keeping the sparkling fireworks in my heartbeats flamed in any ways it takes. Even if sometime I have to go nuts and act crazy...

The discussion with that smart teacher remind me of beautiful quotes by Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati, "When you plant a seed of Love it is you that blossom..."  

I love this quotes.  I believe, before we can love others we need to be sure that we have already been planting enough love for the life inside us, unconditionally... 

So, let's have a great journey to the inner part of our being and find the true love inside, get it out and be ready to plant the seed of love that will make us blossom eternally, every where we go...


Bunch of Love,


December 25, 2013


If you have friends from your childhood and somehow you still save time to spend with them online or offline. You will feel, so very blessed...

Because this will be a friendship of the souls. It is even thicker than the blood...

Look at the warmth of the smiles, the genuine happiness shown by the expression in the eyes, and the bond that shown from body languages. All are the the radiance of TRUE LOVE...

Yup, life has put me on roller coaster ride. One day I was on my way down, and another day I'm going up. Meeting up with these bunch has bring the light back into my dark nights.

Gathering with my elementary school friends and teachers is really a heart lifter. Especially when we were there helped organizing the event that made everybody smile and laugh happily.

Nothing could be more precious than bring goodness to other people life. The universe will always appreciate all the kindness and happiness shared, and return those to our lives in the most surprising way.

Allow me to share our smiles and laughter, because they come along with The True Love. Teachers and Friends, they are also my family. The bond we have is really thicker than blood.

From Indonesia,
with a bunch of Love...


December 20, 2013

A Dam of Thoughts and Feelings

This is a night for a nice conversation with friends. Sitting in a cozy cafe, with a gentle music play by a pianist or guitarist who's absorbed by his /her music.

The little clock in my laptop says, it is only 35 minutes after midnight.
Am I feeling blue...??? Do I miss someone...???

I just feel like having a dam of thoughts and feelings inside me that need a way to flow. I'm about to burst without knowing exactly which thought has made me feel this way.

I know, the way out, the strength, the courage, the resilience, the hope and the dream, even the faith are always there with me along every ups and downs in my life.

But I guess, this is just the night, I really want to hear someone tell me...

"Go sleep little one,
do not be worry...!!
I got your back covered,
This one shall pass too..."

Heaven Helps,

December 12, 2013

Flying Above The Storm

We've been better, we've been worse. At some points we climb our highest dream, another time we roll over our deepest nightmare. Most of the time we work on our ability to re-balance. So we can always dance beautifully and glide gracefully to a better tomorrow.

Another day sitting with bunch of people from different background with one purpose, better Heart Condition. Including Hubby's. The doctor has told me that after his first attack on December 2010, there's a chance he got Congestive Heart Failure which has been acting up this year. 

I always want sparkling fireworks in my heartbeats so I can really feel ALIVE. Yet these people would feel ALIVE if only their hearts can beat normally, they might say I fail to feel grateful.

Only today I believe, being ALIVE is about living at the most, with whatever life provide. We need to make the life worth living without easily settling in the situation that we don't feel right about.

I will Never.. Never.. Never quit thinking and moving towards a better life in the small world where I live.. For I'm the eagle, my destiny is to fly the bluest sky, right above the storm, towards the infinite light..

Wings of The Pheonix

The stars knew how long I've been wandering to find the heart that beats in tandem with mine.. The sun noticed how far I'd like to t...