September 23, 2013


Sometime we just can't turn sadness into sweat anymore.. 
Sometime we just can't have 
enough energy to turn sorrow into rage.. 
Maybe at this kind of time all we need 
just some tears to shedand solitude to embracethe unexpected ..

As once I ever wrote :

When I Have Tears...

I just have to remember..
ears is the best thing to wash my soul,
ot here to hurt me, more to help me ease my pain...

The universe 
won't make me cry, unless there is an important lesson in life I need to learn,which worth those tears...
Heaven knows I am a fighter,
pain will never stop me from doing what I must,and tears only come to soften my heart, not to weaken my inner strength...
I never doubt...
One day when the time come,will be glad telling the story,that once upon the time,I ever have those tears...

September 14, 2013

My Promises and Choices in Life...

I have promised to live my life with full capacity,
that's why I choose to dedicate this life
to love the life with full intensity...

So I will always try to make
the days I live in really worth living...

And this year I make new promises that 2013 will full of :
Win-win solutions...
Best Agreement...
and Achievements...

That will make me really happy
as a woman, mom
and the citizen of universe...

Since life is so full of ups and downs, I urge myself to decide how I want to handle the sadness and sorrow in my life.. As I switch the impact of all pain I feel, from the one that hurts me to the one that change me to be better not bitter. Cause the wound that couldn't kill me, will definitely make me grow stronger, wiser and flexible if I allow it to heal completely...

I'm no longer waiting for the storm to pass, in the past few years the life let me learned an important lesson about dancing in the rain till the sun shine again.

As in the storm of my life,
I choose neither to be the boat nor storm...

I prefer to be the ocean
sometime with the pretty rainbow
beyond the horizon...

For the brand new day will always come
with the new rainbow of life
and better tomorrow does exist
if we try hard enough...

September 11, 2013

Can Life Really be Unfair...???

Today actually I wanted to talk about, 
how life can be so unfair…
How one can always live 
by sucking energy from others…

But on the second thoughts,
Couldn't it be just the way life shows fairness…
For those who were born with strength in their blood
They should live as though there should never be 
some days to feel tired or loosing grip of strength...

No matter how much the ship needs to dock, 
the storm of life keep dragging it out 
to the place where firm and solid ability 
for sailing above the water needed...

There's a reason why God always unite the strong with the weaker
It is always about allowing the weaker to learn of their strength 
But also it is about letting the strong to understand their weakness 
As both are equipped in every single one of us to embrace and accept…

Just like the sun which rises every morning needs time to set
Sometime one who were born to shine like the sun need time to rest
And learn to live as the moon which absorbs sunlight only to reflect it...

As human we can always feel tired 
It is completely normal...

And at the time like this, 
I wish to use what i have 
to get what i need...

No restraining nor regretting, 
Just to be me that I need to be
at this very moment in time...

Bunch of Love,


September 10, 2013

Friendship... for a reason, a season or a lifetime..???

I always say, Friendship is a lifetime contract for me. 
Some people do say, they see a long last friend in me. 
Yet I still lost some people who occupy major space in my heart.

That's just some moments in our life time, we can only make the best out of what we have by cherishing every people who come into our lives and leave a trace in our heart. 
No matter what come out in the end, my friendship with people all over the globe allow me to learn a lot more about life where I am living. 

Reading Deepak Chopra or Dr Seuss quotes about being universal piece of jigsaw puzzle and our truer existence. I found that we do need to climb a much higher trees to ascend in life. So we can see how our path can be so different, although we might share the same start together. But in the end as human, we might be directed to the same final destination, as we search the truest truth of our being.

Learning about the life journey, I must agree with Deepak Chopra and Dr. Seuss that no one could be any youer than you and we hold our own piece of puzzle to fit in this universal jigsaw. 

Although the friendship may only there for a season or a reason. The trace the friendships leave in my heart, will affect me for a lifetime. And I will make the best out of them by saving only the good moment we share.

Thank you for the friendship. Hope we can always be in touch for a lifetime...

Bunch of Love,


September 4, 2013

About Choices...

When People try to go against our choices in life, 
do not get them wrong,
They might actually be in a very insecure mode 
with their own choices in life...

Unfortunately instead of lifting other's hearts up 
they choose to bring them down, 
the choice that will never bring them 
anywhere near their own inner peace...

Yet, we always have a choice to take 
whatever they say to make us bitter or better...

Bunch of Love,

September 2, 2013

Dad, I've Missed You...

I felt so exhausted and had a terrible headache this afternoon, this made me felt so lost. I have slept enough, had a full body massage, a beauty care and read books. But something still so tensed inside of me. It's like I need more ways to get relax...

Or actually I just need time to really cry...?

I hadn't allowed myself having anytime to grieve, maybe that cause this problem. Well, yes... That because, I always knew what to do. I did took loads of deep breath, and made a lot of plans but guess what...???

I felt tired to be in control...

I need a real deep chat, where I can just loose control and easily cry. So I will have some quality time to grieve. The inner me needs it. But as soon as the first tears fell down my cheeks, something in me start stacking bricks that recovered me from my true feelings. I guess my mind should stop telling my heart what to feel and allow me to sense what I really feel...

Dear me, Please allow me to be just me...
Please let me feel this, whatever it is...
Maybe I should've just started by saying...

"Dad, I've missed You...!!!"

Wings of The Pheonix

The stars knew how long I've been wandering to find the heart that beats in tandem with mine.. The sun noticed how far I'd like to t...