May 15, 2019

My Serenity Path...

"We were strangers, on a crazy adventure /Never dreaming, how our dreams would come true / Now here we stand, unafraid of the futureAt the beginning with you / And life is a road that I wanna keep goingLove is a river, I wanna keep flowing / Life is a road, now and forever, wonderful journey / I'll be there when the world stops turning / I'll be there when the storm is through / In the end I wanna be standingAt the beginning with you..."

Serenity... Perhaps that is the best term to describe the state of mind I am now...

Knowing where I am standing, and understanding the gift life has been installing in the life within me all this while, can really turn the beat in me all around. Especially when the universe allow me to have connection with you...

Now the music of my heart may play in tune with melody of my soul, creating an intriguing brand new rhythm, surround me in the journey of my life...

Meeting of two souls who understand the melody each other play can be a blistering chance, for perfecly sustaining the growth in the part of the world where the two share life, to ignite a better universe from the inside out...

The merging of two awaken consciousness, should be powerful enough to generate a blissful awakening wave, in humanity when Love is the fuel that flame this powerful energy flow...

You may say I am a dreamer...

But I've been looking for this chance for so long, and I call this the journey home. I am aware that this can never be an easy journey for the woman inside me. Since the path is not only less traveled like my usual path. This one is totally new, where the light barely touch it...

Above all, I would consider myself lucky,  to have a chance sharing this quest with You. I wouldn't dare to imagine where this path may lead. So,  please give me space to allow myself a chance of tripping, stumbling, and falling. Since You know, I am a totally newbie in this kind of journey...

May The Earth and The Sky be kind enough to always gear me up with the brightest guiding Stars, wherever my steps may lead. Above my head and in my heart, so I will have the ability to fly above the storms towards the infinity and beyond...

Heaven Helps...


*Thank You for showing up...

May 14, 2019

Darker Shade of Midnight...

Lay a whisper on my pillow, Leave the winter on the ground/  I wake up lonely, there's air of silence, in the bedroom and all around / Touch me now, I close my eyes and dream away / It must have been love but it's over now / It must have been good but I lost it somehow / It must have been love but it's over now / From the moment we touched 'til the time had run out.

Why should this song playing in my head, teasing my feelings with a longing... 

As I've been standing on the twilight zone all along,  but that song has dragged me few feet below the ground tonight, to the darker space...

I almost start to think that whatever was going on this past few days, were only some beautiful shades of my playful dreamland scene, where I would refuse to be awaken... 

Now I'm stuck in nowhere land, not sure of where I'm going to be next... 

It felt so real, gave me a shot of comfort, lifted up a spirit of a new stage in my own evolution, as drops of morning dew that come with morning starlight... 

The plan of making magic was very sweet, almost too good to be true... But then the darker side of midnight seems to take everything away from me... 

Can I say no, would the moon stand beside me, and help me get my balance back... Or should I fake a smile and let everything go, trusting the sun will bring a better new day, tomorrow... 

With that I shall rest my case, 
let the universal time decide, 
what is really going to be there, 
for me...



May 10, 2019

The Symphony Beyond Infinity...

(The most perfect Lingga Yoni manifestation I've ever read...

It's burning, yet soothing. It's a storm of the ocean, which revealing serenity as it's fading away...

Written eloquently beautiful by The Most Lovable Dark Lord in my universe... 😍

Enjoy His Symphony...)


Sex is the manifestation of how love creates the process of unifying the two opposite energy, it is the TWO UNIVERSES melt into each other,and the cells are the instruments of your celestial musical orchestra those creates the harmony of the song you are playing in deepest passion, THE MUSIC OF CREATION

And like a song, it grows from silence to higher chords, it touches emotions, it touches souls, it moves you into the deepest side of the hidden potential power, like a flame with the whistle of wind, like a cold fire burns into heat, then it is cooling down, fades into silence

The highest state of masculinity is knowledge, the highest state of feminine energy is magic, hence when you combine knowledge and magic, it is THE SONG OF PERFECTION

Orgasm is the big bang, a burst of heat and passion in their deepest manner, the highest expression of the divine within the soul level, a yield of the roots of love, and the process of decoding love in swinging of frequencies, hence orgasm is the highest state of humanoid mind, the state of magics and divine, where knowledge and magic are unified in perfection, A SOLITUDE BEYOND INFINITY

Thus, sex is alchemy, sex is a process of unity and reaction those create the dynamic rhythm, which grow from silence into heat, and fade into silence, like a song, a terra is created, a new living place as breath calms down, then a new universe is born before the living beings, while the main energy remains in silence, but their love would delivers love and affection for their creations, perpetually

That is why you have to understand the sequences, the pattern, in shamanism we call this ‘MAKING MAGIC’
Sex is sacred, sex is natural, sex is powerful, sex is the highest power to boost up masculinity by the power of feminine energy, sex is creation and expression of the deepest love, unconditionally, so sex is victorious and glory

If you can understand this properly, you’re in the right path to perfection, so sex is sacred
If you can’t view this properly, then sex is never more than necessity

But remember, the best result should come from the best understanding of perfection
It’s just a choice of how you shall create the quality of the new universe, your realities


May 7, 2019


Merdeka itu adalah ketika kita tidak lagi punya kebutuhan untuk membuat siapapun terkesan, dengan apapun yang telah kita lakukan, di dalam hidup yang tengah kita jalani...

Pencapaian terbesar bagi yang Merdeka terjadi, saat kita hanya butuh mencintai kehidupan di dalam diri, dan menggunakannya untuk menikmati setiap gerakan di semesta kecil tempat kita hidup, dalam perjalanan kehidupan dari waktu ke waktu...

Manfaat hidup terasa paling nyata bagi yang merdeka, adalah ketika kita berhasil membagi sedikit yang kita punya, untuk kebaikan sesama di bagian semesta mungil, tempat kita diizinkanNya terus berbagi...

Saat itulah kita boleh tersenyum dan mengucap 'Selamat datang CINTA'...


May 4, 2019

Look In

Sebagai makhluk hasil kreasi unik penciptaan, kita sejatinya diparingi kemampuan untuk belajar bagaimana caranya bisa mengenal dan mengerti Sang Pencipta lewat pemahaman terhadap kehidupan yang terdekat dengan kita, yaitu kehidupan di dalam diri sendiri..

Tubuh, pikiran, jiwa, dan hati  adalah produk kreatif Sang Pencipta, dengan sejarah dan cerita kehidupan yang semestinya paling kita pahami di semesta. Hingga kita sampai ke kesadaran akan kesempurnaan Sang Pencipta membangun kehidupan di Bumi manusia ini..

Sejatinya luka, duka, amarah, kecewa, dan berbagai kisah tak sempurna akan selalu ada di dalam sejarah kehidupan setiap manusia untuk sarana kita masuk lebih jauh ke dalam diri..

Demi berkenalan dengan diri kita yang sejati. Demi tumbuh kembang jiwa dalam persemaian. Demi kehidupan yang bergerak menuju hari esok semakin baik..



Sebentuk Cinta Putih

Selalu ada sebentuk memori diri tersimpan rapi, dalam keberadaan diri lain yang tengah dihadirkan di sekitar kita pada lipatan waktu yang terkini, seandainya saja kita mau lebih jeli dan cermat menyadari gerakan sang diri...

Selalu ada sekelumit rencana kecil untuk kita, di dalam keseluruhan tatanan skenario agung semestaNya, yang bergerak simultan detik demi detik,  asalkan kita mampu memaknai setiap menit dalam putaran waktu yang terberi...

Selalu ada sekeping kisah terurai, setiap kali muncul peristiwa yang memuat perpisahan dan pertemuan, seakan semua itu lumrah adanya, di tiap stanza yang mengalun, dalam lantun romansa tentang legenda semestaNya...

Tinggal kita belajar menemukan titik koordinat yang tepat, komplit dengan memahami surat perintah dari misi kehidupan terkini, yang perlu disempurnakan...


"Mari kita jaga sebentuk cinta putih yang telah terbina
Sepenuhnya terjalin pengertian antara engkau dan aku
Masihlah panjang jalan hidup mesti ditempuh
Semoga tak lekang oleh waktu
Cukup bagiku hadirmu
Membawa cinta selalu
lewat warna sikap kasihku
Kau ungkap tlah terjawab..."


May 2, 2019

In to The Darkness...

Merasakan yang tiada itu sungguh tak nyaman, ketika rindu meraja dan tak kutemukan jejakmu di manapun, napas seperti tercekik di ruang hampa nan gelap, tanpa sadar arah barat dan timur...

Rasanya seperti jawara pulang kandang setelah gempita pesta penyambutan usai, ketika terompet kemenangan selesai ditiup dan napas kegembiraan punah, meninggalkan sunyi... 

Menyisakan ketakutan seakan semua yang indah cuma bunga dalam dekapan lelap, harum semerbaknya hanya aroma khayalan, dan kesegaran yang mengguyur dahaga jiwa tinggal delusi nalar yang kesepian... 

Seperti kisah 1001 malam,  yang hadir menebar pesona untuk kemudian hilang ditelan asa, ketika sang waktu kembali pada rutinitasnya berputar, dan diripun tenggelam menyelami arti merajanya rindu pada sosok kelabu, tanpa rupa pun tiada bersuara... 

Pada Semesta, diri hanya mampu bertanya, pelajaran apa lagi yang harus kurenungi, hingga gelisah ini kembali menghantui... 

Pada Sang Kala, diri hanya dapat meminta, biarkan pelangi jiwaku kembali, agar hati ini kembali bernyanyi... 

Pada Sang Hidup, diri hanya berani memohon, perbolehkan aku pulang ke tenangnya rasa, hingga aku kembali merenangi terang...

Ruang rindu ini telah menelikung diri dalam gelap yang menenggelamkan, ijinkan kumiliki CINTA yang menjadikan DIRI ini MERDEKA... 



Wings of The Pheonix

The stars knew how long I've been wandering to find the heart that beats in tandem with mine.. The sun noticed how far I'd like to t...