August 16, 2013

God an Illusion...???

As I tried to finish this book... 
Here come some questions in my head...

Is it true that in most believer's lives, religion has become greater than the truth..??? Even more important than The God Will..???

Is it true that man
y believers are lost in their own religions... so every religions need to dig each spirituality pattern..

What about Us...?

Religions and science..
Religions and humanity..
Religions and spirituality..
Religions and love..
Religions and God Himself..

Why so many times in human history the path is scattered to too many directions..??? 

While actually each should not stand without the other..

No wonder the population of those who refuse to believe in the existence of God is growing every years ..

As a Citizen of Universe..
As a Mom of four children..

It is my path to find answers for all of my questions..



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