April 15, 2012

Love, Respect and Choices in Life...

Love and Respect is not something We can't force other to give,
We must earn that...

We have to love and respect Ourselves
and mostly The People around Us...

That's the way We gain that love and respect back...

Life is always about choices,
How we love and respect Ourselves or Others
is depend on how we make choices in life...

Before We state Our choices
We Must be :

Aware of what we want and need...
Aware of what we will become...
Aware of what we have to be...

As we walk our path to fulfill our true destiny,
The one particular reason why we are created on earth...

Wings of The Pheonix

The stars knew how long I've been wandering to find the heart that beats in tandem with mine.. The sun noticed how far I'd like to t...