January 29, 2016

As The Spirit Carries On...

I have been searching and connecting my own understanding of Indigos, kundalini energy flow, and humanity role in making the world a better place...

This journey of revealing new understanding about LIFE, make me feel like constructing a big jigsaw puzzle. We finished one puzzle, only to find the jigsaw that we've been finishing is a part of another bigger jigsaw puzzle to finish...

I believe instead of bring me regret, desperation or disappointment of the uncertainty in finding what we seek, I actually see this journey as the most fascinating part of life. We face one Eureka after another, only to learn we eventually need to search for many more Eurekas...

I think that's more about how we are equipped to do our roles on Earth.  As a writer who must write for both worlds, more because I got as many readers from the west, as I have in the east. I should have trained myself to use my helicopter view and see as many perspectives I could find without becoming judgmental...

Back then I hesitated that Islamic Worldview can be my solid ground to construct whatever I wrote. Recently a serial valuable discussion with a super special friend has brought me to firm understanding of how every important value in my LIFE should be wrapped up...

It's okay to be a seeker, as long as we finally grow to be The Finder. And it's nice to be a finder, only then we  will eventually grow to be The Keeper of our own Truest Truth in LIFE...

The Truest Truth we hold, is actually The source of LIGHT that could let innermost part of us SHINE, for the LIFE inside and the world outside...

So then, The Spirit Carries On...

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